Your thoughts on plateau please!

Hi all,

Thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to provide. I try to stay around 1300 cals per day and have plateaued over the last few weeks. The scale is not budging...

I am 5'7", started at 175lbs and now at 160lbs. I've been stuck there for a few weeks now. Do you think my calories need adjusted? I am just getting started with exercising a few days a week. I walk/jog around my neighborhood for 30 min at at time.

I am not in a rush. Just want to lose in a healthy way that fits with my busy lifestyle, even if it takes longer. My diary is open, so feel free to look there if it helps. :)

Thanks for any help! I really appreciate it!


  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Not sure of your age so I have calculated using mid 20s, but I get your TDEE rested to be 1850 so eating 1300 cals is about right to lose 1lb per week. What I would do is eat 1300 a day and on days you do run around for 30mins Id eat 1500 that day.

    Might seem odd to eat more to lose weight but that could kick you over your plateau

    Id try that and see what happens in 2-3 weeks and then adjust (a little) again.

    Only other things to consider :
    - Are you checking weight the same time each time?
    - Are you logging absolutely everything?