Eating The Same Things Daily



  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    I think I really need to do this for a while as I go wild when there's too much choice - it is human instinct to eat more when there is more variety available! Also it makes it easier and cheaper as a student just buying and cooking for myself.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I basically eat the same everyday with minor variations. For breakfast I'll have either musli or eggs. For lunch I'll have about 4 cups of veggies and a protein such as fish, chicken, beans or nut butters and for dinner I'll have some fresh fruit and sometimes popcorn.
    The variety comes at the weekend when we go out to dinner. Then I'll order whatever looks good to me. Oh and if I'm in the mood I sometimes add sweet potato or avocado at lunch.
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    On the weekdays I tend to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch. People at work ask me how I haven't gotten bored yet, but...*shrug* I don't know. Doesn't bother me.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I eat the same things every day for lunch (and sometimes dinner) for most weekdays...for a while, and then I'll change to something else which I eat every day. It certainly makes tracking easier, but I'm not convinced it's the most healthy approach. I suspect a broader variety of different foods is more likely to provide better coverage of micronutrients. Honestly, I think this is a "personality type" thing more than anything else.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I would get bored and go crazy.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I would get bored and go crazy.

    If someone told me I *had* to, then yeah, so would I...

    ...but if left to my own choices, I simply gravitate to the same choice each day...until one day, I make a different choice, and that becomes my daily habit for a few weeks/months.

    (It could also be that I just have issues...that are probably very hard to pronounce and will cost a lot of money to cure.)
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I have thought about doing that, at least the same concept of foods each day like for me ideally would be

    small carb+ some what fatty protein

    next meal ~6oz meat(or equiv protein) and 2+ cups of veggies

    nightly shake and a snack n I'm done.

    this is a bit more variety, but my meat options are 97% hamburger meat, chicken breast, or tilapia and my veggies are all frozen(I tend to gravitate to broccoli and spinach and sweet peas, but I have a large variety) so it's convenient and I'm more likely to stick with something that's convenient.
    Tonight I'm cooking the chicken as a batch for tonight and the next couple of days, then I'll have tilapia.
    I still have variety in my snacks, but as long as my meals are reasonable I tend to do fine. I'm looking to do this 5-7 times a week, other days I can plan what I can and leave blanks for the unknown(like tomorrow my nephews bday) I'm hoping this will help with my adherence and thus change this from a "diet" to a lifestyle...

    If I don't do it this way then I tend to go carb heavy and end up hungry constantly. the snack is based on how my calories look after my exact meals are entered. and the shake could be cut to leave room for something like ice cream or cake or w/e if my protein is met. but the meals come first.
  • tigermorris
    I am such a creature of habit, I pretty much eat the same things every day! I do find it easier to stay on track, because I know what are the good things, I am not a fan of many healthy foods. I have been going to a personal trainer and she said I should mix it up to keep losing. I still have a hard time with changing things too much, so I will switch my lunch up a little from week to week. I have been slowly losing, with the exception of the weeks surrounding Easter, all the candy has been too much temptation!
  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    I do this but it does get old after a while. I try to find alternatives that are similar that I substitute every now and then to change things up.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    I tend to eat a lot of the same things daily. maybe at different times. But yeah i have my staples.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know several people who do this and successfully maintain a heatlhy weight. It's never been my thing, but I wish you success!
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    I would get bored and go crazy.

    If someone told me I *had* to, then yeah, so would I...

    ...but if left to my own choices, I simply gravitate to the same choice each day...until one day, I make a different choice, and that becomes my daily habit for a few weeks/months.

    (It could also be that I just have issues...that are probably very hard to pronounce and will cost a lot of money to cure.)

    Autism. There is no cure.

    I'm semi serious. It's a syndrome so you need to have a lot of different traits and habits together to be autistic. But this is one.

    It may be more extreme for us than what people are talking about, here.

    I am autistic and I once went three years having chipotle, bean chili for lunch every day. Three years.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i kind of do this. I generally eat the same breakfast every day, I also use my crock pot a lot to make big meals that i eat on til its gone. I do it because its easier and cheaper and I DETEST meal planning with every fiber of my being LOL
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    My weekdays are normally the same menu unless life throws me a curve ball or I forget to pack something. My weekends vary. I like the fact I don't need to think or stress about it. It's simply my routine and so far it's working for me.
  • JessyBevy
    JessyBevy Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds good - easy planning!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I eat the same food for breakfast/brunch every day, just because I hate cooking in the morning and don't eat cereals or bread. I make a crustless quiche once a week, warm up a slice and add a side of bacon, sausage, or leftover meat from dinner. Nearly every dinner, I have a big salad or veggie plate and a serving of a home-cooked meat dish. I vary my late night snack (third meal) between Greek yogurt and berries, cheese, nuts, fruit, jerky, etc.

    I would agree that keeping a relatively consistent style of eating, though not necessarily the exact same foods, does make planning, shopping, and staying on track nutrient and calorie-wise lots easier. I know my brunch quiche and meat usually runs about 550-600 calories, dinner around 600-700, leaving 300-400 for my "bed-night" snack. I usually eat at home unless I'm traveling, so don't have to contend with going out to eat or taking a lunch to work anymore.
  • kanstulpants
    kanstulpants Posts: 20 Member
    I started doing this recently (derailed a bit over Easter but back on track now) and I think it works well for me.

    I decided to do this because I have this problem that if I eat a meal and it's not something that I really like, or if it wasn't super tasty and delicious, then I sort of feel like I was cheated and I want to eat more, even if I'm not hungry. I'm not the type of person who can just eat some grilled chicken and a salad and be happy.

    So I came up with two meals that I can eat all the time and not get bored with - pizza and mexican :) Doesn't sound very healthy, but I make them as healthy as possible.

    I try to stay on the lower carb/higher fat side of things, so I use an 8" low carb tortilla as a pizza crust (I normally don't buy low carb "products", but this tortilla happened to be the one with the least bad ingredients in it .... like partially hydrogenated oils and stuff)

    I found a good sauce to use that has no sugar or HFCS, and top it with various meat and vegetables, cheese and garlic seasoning.

    For the mexican meal I make up a batch of taco meat every week (chicken or beef), and I make my own seasoning to avoid the additives in the prepackaged seasonings. I freeze the meat in individual portions.

    I also make a batch of homemade salsa to last for the week. Then I either wrap the meat in a tortilla with some cheese, and eat it with salsa, sour cream, and fresh homemade guacamole, or I skip the tortilla and make it into a taco salad.

    I keep fresh fruit/vegetables around for snacks.

    I'm pretty satisfied eating like this most of the time, and it also saves money because I'm single and only cook for myself, so I end up wasting less food because I don't have other ingredients sitting around that go bad before I can eat them.
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    I pretty much do this. I eat eat the same meal staples every day but I switch around small things like which fruit or vegetable I eat. It makes it easier because then I don't have to think about what to make later.

  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I eat the same breakfast lunch and snacks everyday. Even generally the same dinner just with different meat. I think it works great I always know what I am eating cal wise and it make grocery shopping easy. My husband thinks it werid that I dont get sick of eating the samething, but I tell him Im a creature of habit lol
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    I think it's probably pretty healthy. Your body would get used to your routine and regulate itself to your schedule. I would love to be like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory and have each meal the same every week and have my bathroom schedule so regular too, but I'm way too sporadic. I don't wake up and go to sleep the same time so I get hungry at different times and so on.