Hi! New and need motivation =) any 5'7s out there?

Hey guys, so I have finally decided that it is time to get my life back together. I've been on my fitness pal for about a year but every time I start, I give up within a week either out of sceptism or cravings. I have one main weakness SWEETS!! Cookies, cakes, truffles, you name it, if it is sweet I will want it.

I really need some motivation to help stay on track and really achieve my goals. I am currently 164 pounds, 5'7. I know it might not seem like much, but freshman 15 hit me more like freshman 35 and I have felt my weight slowly but surely slipping further out of my grip. I could really use your help guys. Also, if any of you have some good advice for a chocoholic let me know. =D


  • drugjail
    drugjail Posts: 6
    You sould just like me! Everything you said, I can relate to. I'm male 5ft5 (bit shorter), age 35

    Those cravings are painful. The worst for me is evenings watching TV desperate for sweet things.
  • bluestar239
    i'm 5'9 and weigh 281. I used to be around 350. Losing weight is very hard, and at least you are taking the right steps onto success!!! I will be here for ya and cheer you on :) As far as being a chocoholic..it's not really a bad thing. Try sticking to dark chocolate. It's way better for you and does have some health benefits. If you have to have the other stuff..just remember to indulge yourself once in awhile. I usually keep the mini variety of chocolates around if I get a craving. One small piece isn't going to throw you off course. Because if you don't get that craving in check...you will likely get of course and eat all those unnessesary calories.
  • htw422
    htw422 Posts: 8
    Guys, thanks so much. I really appreciate it! This totally feels easier with people beside you.
  • samik8907
    samik8907 Posts: 20 Member
    5'7 here :) and 188. I honestly don't have that big a problem for sweets except a few random cravings every now and then. Salty and fried foods are my weakness! Best thing to do is to keep moving forward. One of my favorite quotes :)

    "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • singmyheartout4you
    Im 5'7 and 143 but I started at 170. I had the same problem with sweets (plus anything fried!!) When I moved out on my own for college (and wasnt living in the dorms anymore. Campus food was sooooo fattening) I started by only buying really healthy food. I bought some of my normal not so healthy foods (mainly a lot of processed foods) and sweets because I know that most times, Ive learned to control my urges, but there are always those days when its just been too much and all I want is a snickers (or insert fav candy here lol) and I cant fight it. So I still have some sweets in my apartment, but I keep them on the highest shelf in my cabinet and at the very back so I dont see them when I open it up looking for food. I see the healthy stuff first which triggers me to remember my goals. Out of sight, out of mind kind of thing, so I only remember they are there when I really need them. I also really limit myself to how much I can have.
    I know it will seem like crazy talk but the cravings really do go away. I would recommend not quitting cold turkey (Tends to lead to binges) but limiting how much you have when you do have it.

    I hope my advice helps :) Good luck! I know you can do it! :D
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    I just signed up today myself....5'6", almost 42 yrs old and about 165lbs. My weight has slowly crept up in the last year. 3 1/2 yrs ago I finally hit my weightloss goal and was down to 130 lbs. It was the highlight of my life - my weight up until then NEVER got below 200. I need to get back to that 130 lbs. I have faithfully gone to the gym 5 days a week for the last 3 years so my motivation is there (and so are those darn pounds!! LOL). I just need to kick start this again. I welcome all the motivation anyone out there has to dish out!!! I am a short distance runner and have do pretty good on the strength training. Any tips for shedding around 30lbs???
  • mc115
    mc115 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'6" and also love sweets. I remember when I first started eating healthier, I thought the majority of the healthy stuff didn't taste good. However, my taste buds and stomach have adapted. Now, many things that I used to love don't taste as good anymore (e.g., I can't handle a lot of fried/oily foods anymore). Your taste buds probably are just used to the added sugar, so you need to ween them off of them.

    When I first changed my diet, I had a stash of candy, but it was on the top kitchen shelf and I had to climb on the counter to get to it. If I really wanted it, I would have it. I don't think you should completely cut out any and all sweets. What a boring way to live! Rather, you should pick and choose what sweets are worth it to you. Is that store-bought cake really that good? In my opinion, no. I know that I won't enjoy it nearly as much as something I can make or find elsewhere. (And I stopped buying the temptations, too! Make a grocery list for your planned meals and stick to it. I usually just had a bag of chocolate chips in the cupboard.)

    I've also found some real gems online for healthier sweets (thanks to Pinterest!). For example, the blog Chocolate Covered Katie (http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/) has a lot of good ideas. I've made some healthy breakfast muffins with chocolate chips. I add a few chocolate chips to my morning oatmeal. And one of my favorites is Greek yogurt, cocoa powder, and a touch of sugar--not a perfect dessert but definitely healthy! There are tons of ways to make your desserts healthier; you just need to familiarize yourself with the tricks of the trade!

    Incorporate a little bit of sweets into your diet. And cut out some other sweets that you don't enjoy as much. As you change your diet, your taste buds will adapt, making the whole process a little easier.
  • htw422
    htw422 Posts: 8
    Wow I think this will help a lot. Thank you so much! I took a look at the website and definitely see some things I would be willing to try out.