They say to push yourself, but how far is too far?

Recently, I started the 30 day shred. After 2 days, I was EXTREMELY sore. Could barely sit, stand, walk, you name it. I was extremely out of shape, and the workout was very intense for me but I pushed through it. Once I realized how sore I was the next day, I was on Google looking for information on what to do for sore muscles, etc. I stumbled upon a condition called Rhabdomyolysis. This condition is caused from over exertion in a workout, and causes a breakdown of muscle fibers that lead to the fiber contents being released into the bloodstream. Long story short, it leads to kidney failure.
I immediately became concerned because I have never heard of this condition. I read of stories of people who were working out, and pushed their selves to work out harder than normal, or were unhealthy to begin with, and becoming very sick with this condition because of it.
My question is, I have always heard that you should push yourself for results. But after reading about the dangers of this condition, Im almost afraid to? Anyone have any input? How far is too far? Its a scary thought to think you are motivated to lose weight and actually get into a workout routine, and then find out that people have died from simply working out.


  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    It's OK to skip a day or two if you are hurting.
    I could only do 3 days and then I took a break because it would have been too painful on Day 4
    I was ok after that 1 day break
    Yes, it was a bit sore even on the day that I went again but it was manageable.
    Listen to your body!
    You will STILL get results if you skip a day
    Also expect some water weight gain as your body will retain water to repair those muscles... That DOES go away and you WILL tighten, tone and lose inches!
  • I3ernadette
    I3ernadette Posts: 34 Member
    It is extremely unlikely that you suffer from rhabdomyolysis; it's generally a result of blast damage, torture, or prolonged toxin exposure. In the case of excessive exercise, it occurs after tetany - the involuntary and prolonged contraction of the muscle. It's the same mechanism as in tetanus or which causes rigor mortis. You'd notice.
    Some people do have a predisposition to rhabdomyolysis; there's a list of symptoms in the following link. If you start peeing brown or red, get checked.
  • Back2Biz
    Back2Biz Posts: 67 Member
    I am doing the 30 Day Shred as well... actually I finished it and am doing Level 3 again for an additional 10 days - it's a tough workout! I was also sore after the first few days.

    Anyway, as long as you are a healthy woman (no hypothyroid, no myopathies, no cholesterol medications or recent traumas i.e., car accident or falls that resulted in severe muscle damage, coma or severe burns) and if all the exercise you are getting is the 20 Minutes of HIIT daily then you have nothing to worry about regarding Rhabdomyolysis. If you do have any of those ailments or were exercising for hours everyday, as in ultra-athletes or marathon runners, then maybe - even then it is not very common. What you are most likely experiencing is common muscle fatigue from using muscles that haven't been stressed in a while. Try an Epsom salt bath and some Ibuprophen and continue with the Shred... the more you use those sore muscles, the better you will feel. Give yourself a few more days to feel that fatigue/pain subside but don't give up!! You're on your way!! Way to go!!
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    Great question and great answers! I learned something new today!
  • aryastark8
    aryastark8 Posts: 57 Member
    I believe that for sustained results one needs to build strength gradually, especially at the beginning! A common mistake to start working out like crazy for a week or two, then get burnt out and quit. You don't *have* to finish the 30 day shred in 30 days. In fact if you start it gradually and stick with it for 2 months, slowly building your strength, you'll be better off. Start doing just one circuit a day. When you feel you can handle it well, do 2 at a time, with a break between them. Then 3, then decrease the breaks, then eliminate them. You'll still get your results in the end and your body will thank you for being gentle with it. Plus you are more likely to stick with it overtime if you do it this way. Good luck!
  • carlybkelly12
    carlybkelly12 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you everyone! :)