Logging 30DS as an exercise


Might be a stupid question, but what do others log Jillian Michaels 30 day shred as in their exercise tracker? Do you class it as circuit training? DVD? Aerobics?

H x


  • missyfarr
    missyfarr Posts: 22 Member
    I log it as 20 minutes high impact aerobics. My best guess!!
  • Mimoki
    Mimoki Posts: 115 Member
    alot of people log it in as circuit training including myself.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    alot of people log it in as circuit training including myself.

    I second this.
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    I also log as circuit training.
  • ColdFeetWarmHeart
    ColdFeetWarmHeart Posts: 18 Member
    I looked at logging it as that but was a little worried that I would be overestimating the calories burnt by doing it like that! It's coming up as burning like 300 calories in 30 mins!! I suppose its all those god-damn jumping jacks that nearly kill me! lol
  • kelleher1975
    kelleher1975 Posts: 4 Member
    I log it as 25 minutes of circuit training.
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    I log most of Jillian's DVDs as circuit training, but definitely beware the overestimating of calories. MFP tells me that 30 mins burns 350 calories for me, but my Fitbit says its closer to 200.
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    Circuit training
  • according to the dvd:

    1) circuit training.

    2) the work out itself is 20 minutes.

    3) total work out including warm up/cool down is 25 minutes.
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    I log it as 20 minutes of circuit training. I know it's a bit longer than that but I'd rather underestimate than overestimate.
  • ColdFeetWarmHeart
    ColdFeetWarmHeart Posts: 18 Member
    Cheers, thanks everyone! I think I shall log as 15 mins of circuit training to be on the safe side (at the moment I can't manage all of the jumping jacks! lol)