new here

Hi I have already started on my own and have lost 50 pounds. The last 20 I would like to lose seems to be hanging on for dear life. I am hoping to get some ideas here to get over the hump.


  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    I had a period where I hit a plateau and things just would not move. I tried a lot of different things, but in the end it just took time. I kept up with the same routine that had been working and eventually it paid off. I hit that period similar to you, about the same amount lost and getting close to what I had set my goal at.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. :)
  • juliacougarrrr
    juliacougarrrr Posts: 48 Member
    Wow! Great job already. What did you change to get to your current achievement?