No Weight Loss

I have been been tracking for 2 weeks and I haven't lost any weight. I have mostly stayed under my calories yet I have not seen results. I think I can add for fitness, but I was wondering if there were any thoughts on what you may think the cause would be?

Thank you :smile:

TGIF!!! :laugh:


  • wonderwomn27
    wonderwomn27 Posts: 40 Member
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    You have very little weight to lose and may have set a goal that is unrealistic. Change to losing .5 lbs per week, set your activity level ACCURATELY (probably not sedentary) and eat back exercise calories.
  • traceywaananenstieb
    traceywaananenstieb Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in the same boat....and I am exercising! I'm going on 3 weeks just starting and nothing....soooo frustrating. I would love to hear what others have to say....
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I can't see your diary but a LOT. OF. PEOPLE. have this problem when they restrict calories too severely. The "default" setting of 1200 is much too low for most people.
  • kopoba11
    kopoba11 Posts: 12
    My theory that a lot of people just under counting calories.

    So it's a mental game.

    Just set you calorie counter to the lower setting so mentally you will try to count to that number and therefore be with in your original set calorie goal.

    I took slightly different approach.

    For the first 2 months I set a goal to adjust my diet: lots of sugary stuff out, starchy stuff out, pasta out, lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meats.

    With in one month I could see the difference that I was not hungry and no cravings to eat ****.

    Only after that I started to focus on weight loss for a month or 2.

    Only then I started fitness.

    It's a gradual slow approach but its maintainable for a long term.
  • traceywaananenstieb
    traceywaananenstieb Posts: 27 Member
    I have mine set at 1500....
  • fdw1977
    fdw1977 Posts: 1
    I've been using MyFitnessPal now for 2 1/2 months and I too was stuck for almost 2 weeks with no weight loss.

    I regularly walk 2.5 miles every morning (7 days a week) at a speed of 3 mph on the treadmill. This week beginning on Sunday I started walking an additional 2 miles same speed before lunch. And today Friday I've lost 3.4 pounds. So for me the additional exercise appears to have helped.

    I'm a 54 year old male 6' 1 "and my initial weight was 231 and my goal weight is 200. This morning 4/5/12 my weight is 211.2.... Thanks to MyFitnessPal and a lot of determination I feel more confidant I'll reach my goal by mid-May. BTW, my initial goal was to be at 210 by my 55th birthday in mid-April.
  • traceywaananenstieb
    traceywaananenstieb Posts: 27 Member
    I wasn't doing any regular exercise I'm doing Zumba 1-2x per week, walking abt 30 min a day and some circuit time at the gym....maybe it will "click" soon and my body will just release a couple of
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    It is a certainly that if you are in a caloric deficit you are losing weight.

    If you started an exercise program such as lifting weights, you may be off setting any loses with water retention or you may have added a little muscle.

    As someone else pointed out, the Majority of people simple are not counting their calories correctly. Everything that you eat or drink needs to be accounted for. Everything you eat and drink needs to be checked and rechecked to make sure you are accurately counting calories. Don't assume that the first entry for a given product is right. Many entries in the database are wrong.

    I suggest that people not add their exercise calories back in, at least initially. No calculator is perfectly accurate, MFP calorie allotment isn't necessarily accurate. It is a starting point.

    2 or 3 weeks is often not long enough to see results. Verify your calories and stay the course. If your weight or measurements don't change than it is time to lower your calories or increase your exercise.
  • traceywaananenstieb
    traceywaananenstieb Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks!! I'll keep an eye on my calories...I've been scanning barcodes as often as possible and measuring so I can get a better sense of portion size. I'll watch my measurements's gotta kick in, right? :happy:
  • shindollar
    shindollar Posts: 6 Member
    Good approach!
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    It takes time. More so to get that lean physique that people are so facinated with. Myself I have the same issue. I know that I stay within my calorie range and workout. As long as you know you are doing your part of working out and eating better the rest will fall into place. Good luck.
  • shindollar
    shindollar Posts: 6 Member
    thank you everyone!!