trying to stay motivated

rferguson Posts: 3
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
hi i have had great success for the past two years thanks to cardio weights and nutrition im feeling myself sliding back how do i stay motivated?


  • hi i have had great success for the past two years thanks to cardio weights and nutrition im feeling myself sliding back how do i stay motivated?
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Lately, my motivation has been clothes. I have been able to fit in clothes I haven't fit into for a long time and it keeps me going.
    Now if you are already fit and struggling to stay that way, try to remember how you felt when nothing fit and how uncomfortable you used to be in your bigger clothes. How it felt after eating too much or eating something crappy and feeling bloated and uncomfortable.
    Think of summer that is soon approaching and that you will want to were shorts comfortably and possibly a bathing suit. I know when I'm bigger, those summer days feel even hotter and I used to hate how my legs rubbed together when I wore a skirt!!

    I hope this helped a little!! :flowerforyou:

    Stay strong, you can do this.
  • nightangelstars
    nightangelstars Posts: 337 Member
    Hi, rferguson.

    It just so happens that I just got back from a motivational interviewing workshop (I'm a psychology major) and one thing we do when talking about change and motivation is we try to stay positive and remember the cons of where we're coming from and the pros of where we're going (or have gotten). There's a whole new branch of psychology now, health psychology, that's all about helping people keep themselves healthy and fit. It's interesting stuff, if you care to check it out.

    It may also help to remember how good it felt when you were getting into shape and remembering some of the things you did to get that way. Clearly you have the motivation and skill to succeed at this, you just have to recall those feelings and skills. I'm sure you'll do fine! :smile: Keep up the great work!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    My motivation is remembering back to all the sports I played and fun I had with my friends. When I would just jump in the car and go, and not worry about what I was wearing so I didn't look fat, and just being comfortable in my own body.
    Also..this is kinda corny, but...I have pics of healthy looking people from Self magazine (or any magazine) for that matter, on my fridge and my treadmill. This way..when I look in the fridge for food, I see her, and remember my goal. And..when I'm on the treadmill and want to stop working out, I think of what I want to look like and keep going.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS:flowerforyou: YOU WILL DO THIS:flowerforyou: YOU WILL GET MOTIVATED:flowerforyou: YOU WILL SUCCEED:drinker:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    We really don't like to think of ourselves getting older, but we are and it's vital to stay in good health as much as possible. Stay with your work outs as long as you physically can. You won't be sorry you did. Keep up the good work:heart::heart:
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