Who are some people that give you inspiration?

dirtyd89 Posts: 170
My picks:

1.) Grandfather:
Lt. Col. Ralph E. Miles
(U.S Army: 22 years; West Point Graduate: Class of 1957; Army Ranger & Paratrooper Graduate; Master Degree: Ohio State [Civic Engineering]; Commanded: B-2 Engineering Batallion, Served in the Korean War & Vietnam, etc.)

--->What inspired me about my grandfather?:
-He was humble.
-Expected only the best from me and pushed me to be the best.
-Coached my soccer team growing up.
(Taught us discipline, uniform checks, shaved heads, etc. = Hardly ever lost any games because he made the training tough.)
-Always wanted to beat him in board games but that tactician training and strategy from West Point put him way above me. LOL.
-He always told me, "Rangers lead the way!".
(R.I.P: It's been about 13 years since he passed away.)

2.) Friend: Joe (NIckname: Furious Joe)
Petty Officer 2nd Class (WWII Veteran)
(Served in the Pacific Fleet throughout the war as a Gunner's Mate. Fought in the battles of Midway & Iwo Jima. That's all I know about him in the Navy.)

--->What inspired me about him?
-Just like my grandfather he was humble.
-His wife who I briefly met before she passed away made the best peach cobbler I've ever had in my life.
(Even in her 90's she was making it by hand like a pro.)
-Man had some amazing stories about the war (WWII) that you never hear about in the media or TV.
-Never took no for an answer.
(Told me a story where he forged his parents signature at 17 years old just so he could join the Navy. That guy was and still is a bad *kitten*.)
-The story of how he met his wife is also awesome too.
(He goes to order a drink at the bar. Bartender tells him he's too young to drink so he leaves then drives his car through the bar like a boss then he met a female bartender who later became his wife.)
[He's still around. When I get a chance I want to visit him again in Phoenix, AZ on my leave from the U.S Navy. Hopefully get a photo with him together.)

3.) Uncle:
Lance Corporal Robert Cound
(U.S Marines: 4 years; Served as an Electrician aboard a Naval ship which transported both Sailors & Marines. Traveled to Panama. Don't know enough about his military career.)
[R.I.P: 4 years now since he passed away.]

Other Special Mentions:
Mom & Dad


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My two Toms: Jefferson and Edison....

    for thinking outside the box and making incredible changes in the lives of everyone around them
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,875 Member
    two of my grand daughters (Paytn and Addison) They give me love and want to spend time with me. Makes me want to lose the weight to be able to play in the park with them and take their babies for walks.