
Hello everyone! My name is Amanda and I am 28 years old. I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, and an administrative assistant, among other titles in my life. I didn't think weight was really an issue until recently. My oldest child will be 7 in July, my middle child will be 6 in February and my youngest is 18 months old. I have started and stopped many workout programs in the last 7 or 8 months and something always seems to end up stopping me. On Tuesday I got a huge slap in the face that hopefully woke me up. I stepped on the scale.... The number caught me off guard. My current weight is 178.2. The reason that this number was so shocking to me is because in my head I was about 20 pounds lighter. 7 years ago when I gave birth to my daughter I weighed 6 pounds less than that, 5 years ago when I had my son I weighed 16 pounds less than this, and 18 months ago when I had my youngest daughter I weighed 23 pounds less than this. Growing up I was considered the "skinny" girl among the people that I hung out with, and now I am not that person anymore. I'm not really sure how to lose weight other than to watch what I eat and get off my butt (both of which can be challenges when the excuse monster is screaming in my head). So I am here I signed up for this site two days ago and am posting EVERYTHING I eat and the physical activity that I do. I would really like to make friends with other members because I do not believe that I can do this without support and accountability. So if you want add me! I look forward to sharing this journey with you all!