why am i so hungry already?



  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I must go back to logging my food, i am a terrible binge eater and sometimes i eat so much i cant be bothered to log as it would take ages! (yes ive put on a lot of weight through my binges!)

    I think the true problem here is that you don't want to be reminded that you binged - Not trying to sound bad if that came out the wrong way I am sorry but I know when I have a binge day I don't want to log either because I don't like to see the huge calories but I do

    Log every day

    And as others said bring a healthy snack - Since you know you are starving at that point in the day you can figure in your day to have a snack at that point in time - Pre-Plan your day so you know what your going to eat all day and know how many calories you will eat at each meal - Now if you don't have enough calories to eat more then look and see where you can cut back or switch something to make room for an extra snack - try finding a lower calorie substitute for instance if your eating say pork sausage switch to turkey sausage its 1/2 the calories, if your eating bread try a flat out instead etc --- Or split your lunch in half so eat part of it at that starving part of the day and the rest at lunch
  • jimhpa99
    jimhpa99 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't want to take this off the the (breakfast/work) topic, but last night I had a similar thing happen. My wife and I went to dinner, I had 6-8 oz. of flat iron steak, mashed potatoes, a little BBQ sauce on the steak, and 2 beers. Within 2 hours, my wife and I were sitting at home and were STARVING. I had a couple things I could snack on, but knew it wouldn't satisfy me - I would have still be hungry. Instead, I made a bad choice and went out to get a meatball parm sandwich and brought back home to eat. Approx. 1000 calories later (and 1800 over for the day) I know the decision was not good but not sure 1) Why I was so hungry, and 2) how to satisfy the deep hunger with only snacks.

    Thanks for any input.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    The only thing that makes me hungry is eating. When I don't eat, I'm not hungry. True hunger doesn't kick in often. Toxic hunger on the other side is quite different. Being bored, tired or stressed will bring it about, but fortunately it also goes away if you distract it for a moment. When all is said and done, your body is starving for nutrients, not calories, so eating nutrient-dense food does it. And don't go by feeling full. My stomach feels liberatingly light most of the time, and I'm not hungry. It may even growl at times, but that could be from simply digesting food.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Because your stomach doesn't know how to divide your calories throughout the day.