QUESTION: weight loss and weightlifting

Hi great ppl!!! I have been lifting heavy weight since about December I have not gained any inches but the scale has creeped up by alot. I had gotten down to 190 can't seem to get back there the lowest I can get is maybe 206lbs. I am 6'1 so alot of ppl tell me its my height that is causing my weight to be up. I am very confused I started eating more but healthier to see if that would help nope. I also started doing 45-60 mins of cardio instead of 30mins. I need help do I need to just stop watching the scale and watch inches??? I am not big if you look at me my measurements are 36-32-47 I am trying to get my midsection down more and I know abs are made in the kitchen. Maybe I am doing something wrong......please help me.... the link below is my goal maybe not realistic but close!!!!