New here and looking for support

I have over the last 4 years lost 130lbs. I did however, 2 years ago become injured which prevents me from being physically active. I have gained 10lbs back and I want to stop it before it gets out of hand. I would like to lose a total of 50lbs to get to where I was when I first met my husband, but I am still VERY restricted in being physically active.

I am currently starting protein shakes. I really want to lose this weight. I'd even be happy with 30lbs. I am one though who needs to see results. If I don't and it takes forever to see them I tend to get discouraged and give up.

Anyways that's a little for now.


  • BiggieSmalls927
    BiggieSmalls927 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up...something is better than small steps....(like the protein shakes since you can't exercise like you would like too). Drink plenty of water and remember to fill your plate with vegetables and a palm size of meat. We can do this!!!!! You've come too far, you are my inspiration today, I never read the message board and today here I am. I've been battling this for 10 years after the birth of my last son....I remember almost getting to my goal and giving up (because of an injury running) I have to start over again.....don't be where I am please!!!! I now have 70 pounds to lose when I only had 20 to go before I gave up.....I'm here....don't give up....we can do new motto is I love myself enough to do's not easy but I'm worth it. You have my support!!!!
  • jbriands
    jbriands Posts: 7
    Thanks so much for the encouragement! You are right...we CAN and WILL do this!!!
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    Without knowing your restrictions it is hard to get specific, but you should be able to do some form of modified exercise.

    Can you take walks, slow pedal on a bike, use resistance bands to help work legs and arms, sit and use a dumbell? I had to find modified activity to do and once I did I found that I was able to overcome some of the restrictions I had because of injuries.

    There are some activities I am not allowed to do by my physician, but I have found other ways to work around that. I use google and youtube a lot looking for new ideas all the time. Using terms such as low impact and specific injury areas.

    Good luck!
  • jbriands
    jbriands Posts: 7
    It has been suggested that I do water workouts since they are easier on the joints, but even then I still have to be cautious as I have a bad back injury and leg injuries too. So I can't lift weights, can't be twisting etc. I could sit and do upper body stuff but again I can't use weights because it puts pressure on my back. And that kind of exercise doesn't get my heart rate up that I need it too. I know but it's something right?!