How nit-picky are you about calorie counting?



  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I added a little extra spinach to my salad earlier and I didn't log it.. (oops lol) and i dont log gum, or if I have a little taste before dinner
  • Only1Mickee
    Only1Mickee Posts: 415 Member
    Did they teach you about B.L.T's in WW? I have that as a category in my diary.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I try to track everything. If it is only one bite and it is the only stray thing all day, I don't worry about it but mentally remember it. I look on my tracking my food as a tool to assist me in my weight loss not as something to obsess about. But as a tool, I want to be as honest and thorough as possible so I can see how I am doing. I love the MFP tool in that it helps me to preplan my day as well.
  • foot2wood
    foot2wood Posts: 149 Member
    I don't add very small things like a stick or 2 of chewing gum or certain spices. I also dont add things like Pam cooking spray. although im sure it has a trivial amount of fat and cals, im just not gonna get that anal and pickey for very few and low cals that dont make a difference, cause how low it is and how i would burn more than that just searching the database to find and add it.
  • SandyRevolution
    @Mickee1969: That "B.L.T." stuff in Weight Watchers triggered my OCD, big time. (For those who don't know, that stands for "bites, licks, tastes.") The obsession over every single morsel was part of what made me quit the plan. I lost 122 pounds, so I was obviously doing something right, but I just couldn't continue at that level.

    I'm finding MFP to be a fantastic program. I have a lot to lose and counting calories is such a welcome change. There's very little math and once you're done with your calories for the day, that's it. No extra "anytime points" to try to budget throughout the week (more opportunities for cheating and binging). Also, the people in the forums here are definitely nicer than those in WW. :-)

    Thank you for your great responses, everyone! I'm reading and learning from each one, so keep 'em coming!
  • exostan
    exostan Posts: 38
    I am not that nit picky. When I make a salad I don't count spinach, romaine, onions, celery...just the bulky stuff like broccoli, tomatoes, and carrots. I log fruit very strictly though because it's high in sugar. I don't count the 1.6 calories in a mint or 3 calories in a tsp of stevia...
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    i do weight watcher i am always over my calories. They are more about how many grams of fiber, protien, fat, and carbs you eat. THe new program anyways. You don't count most fresh fruit and veggies at all. There are a few, like corn, avocado, and potato...etc... I still put in my calories on quick track. I do that to show people that you can stll lose weight, even if you eat more calories. It is more about what you are putting in your mouth...not how much. Don't get me wrong....pts. are based on calories...and there is portion control....but the way they design it makes you feel like you are not dieting. YOu are satisfied always... Anyone who has tried and succeeded...knows what i am talking about! ;)
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am not obsessive about it. If I measure out something for lunch for the next day (like pop chips) and it ends up a gram or so over I may eat one of them then, or leave it in there for lunch. I don't measure gum or mints. If I am cutting slices of cheese and I cut a really small piece by accident that won't really work in a sandwich I may just eat it (probably weighs a gram or 2 so a very small piece) and won't log it.
  • Clement1ne
    I record everything I eat very strictly but concerning the numbers, I use them only as a guide to get an idea. The #'s are an estimate.

    When I track what I'm eating I am *aware* of what I'm choosing so I make better choices. It's not entirely about the numbers. :wink:
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    I don't add very small things like a stick or 2 of chewing gum or certain spices. I also dont add things like Pam cooking spray. although im sure it has a trivial amount of fat and cals, im just not gonna get that anal and pickey for very few and low cals that dont make a difference, cause how low it is and how i would burn more than that just searching the database to find and add it.

    a can of cooking spray is going to have around 1000 total calories so it's fine to not log the individual sprays as long as you keep in mind how quickly you're going through that 1000 cal can and what it means to your daily amount.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    i try to weigh everything although i will cut corners on herbs and spices when they are quite small amounts that i figure are under 5 cals.

    If i'm making a recipe i will log the spices just so I know for next time i make the dish.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I track everything! But most times if it's less than 10 calories I just remove it
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I even track all of my supplements...sometimes they have fat, calories, or carbs!! sad huh? :P:
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    I track everything, I need that focus to keep me on track
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member
    The only successful fitness program is the one you actually DO. So, if details keep you from being faithful to your program, leave out some of the details.

    I have a type B, "big picture" personality. The number one way to demotivate me is to obsess over details. I'm so good at accepting "good enough" that I could write the book on it.

    So, I do my best to be accurate without being perfect. I might count a stick of gum or two, but the spinach I eat while making the salad would be considered part of the salad.

    I went to a party tonight and ate honeydew with strawberry sauce. I counted the honeydew, then did my regular workout. I feel no guilt and I'm losing weight.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Small foxes spoil the vine; of course, I think the minimal calories are likely to be inconsequential. Even if we measure and weigh, small deviations can make a difference, especially in calorie dense foods. I usually count everything but realize that there is probably a variation in exact count. I usually try to leave a few unused calories to account for this variation. I think the greatest variation is in the exercise area but there are variations on both sides of the equation. That being said, it is unlikely that foods that are less than 5 calories are significant unless they are consumed in huge quantities. That being said, I try to count everything.. then again, I am a bit OCD on such matters.
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    Even if you log everything their are some serious discrepancies in how many calories are actually in some of the food you eat. I watched a special that proved that a lot of the fast food chains food nutrition tables could throw off your counting by up to 500 calories. That's quite a difference.

    If you are really concerned about eating too much, simply add a 200-500 calorie log to off set the balance. Otherwise just make sure when you are eating your eating as best as you can with moderation.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I try to log everything but I don't weight my food yet.
  • sarahlouisegass
    sarahlouisegass Posts: 3 Member
    It seems to me if this is a long term weight loss..calorie counting constantly and even counting gum is NOT the way forward. I have lost 3 and a half stone in a year.. I simply did this by eating more often and HEALTHY. Calorie counting works because its simple math, obviously if you eat under your calories and burn more than you eat, you will lose weight. However when you have reached your goal.. you will have to continue to calorie count and count absolutely everything to make sure you don't start over eating again. I eat probably around 2000 calories maybe more and i am loosing weight, this is because i'm eating healthy and exercising daily. I don't use calorie counters or weigh myself anymore because you become obsessed. Of course when i go to the supermarket i will look at the contents of my food and what it contains.. I think where people go wrong is that just because a cookie is in your allowance, it doesn't mean you can eat it. If you love salads ect it will be easy for you to lose weight without calculating everything, if this is working for you stick with it but don't count everything. Just eat clean and move more and you will lose weight! Good luck and don't let all the numbers grind you down! :) xx
  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    I log everything unfortunately :)