Look at my diary please! Tell me what im doing wrong

I am 5 ft 5 and 124 pounds so i am not in any way over weight, but i would just like to get rid of some fat here and there, then i can start toning up.
I know that my calorie intake is pretty low but after monitoring it for a week or so i found out that i only ate roughly 1500 a day any way, so this is only a slight reduction.
Could you take a look at my diary and let me know what im doing wrong? Because i dont seem to be losing anything and its been over a month, im getting a bit disheartened.
I eat when im hungry but just pick healthier options now, so im not any hungrier as before i started the diet :)
Thank you!

Btw, I am still at school so finding the time to exercise is a struggle! so being able to 'Tone up' at the moment is not an option
I am hoping to do much more exercise during the summer holidays


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You dot need to lose weight, eat at maintenance & get a decent full body strength training routine 3x a week to lose bodyfat and 'tone up'
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Just an observation i could be totally off base..................but your sugar is always over and it is due to cookies,cakes, and stuff like that. I would try an experiment and replace those sugars with fruit sugars like a banana, etc. there are little things you can do without time to exercise like wear weights on ankles or wrists and go on with your daily activities I saw them online I want to get some. Note down every possible thing in your busy schedule you can do...like take stairs instead of elevator, walk twice as fast to and from places to get your heart going. Plus if you are gaining muscle you wont have weight loss numbers because any body fat is turning into muscle.
  • marysowter
    marysowter Posts: 121 Member
    I noticed that you are not having your daily calorie allowance and your snacks are full of sugar, on occasions you miss lunch.Because you are not having your daily calories and missing meals your body is fighting back. have your daily calories and do not skip meals,cut down on biscuits ect and I am sure you will see a difference.Hope this helps and good luck x
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    You need to drink more water. Cutting way down on the sugar will help too. Loosing just a few pounds can be difficult without restristing sugar. Someone else said it, cakes and cookies are bad (my weakness too). I think you would have great results from HIIT. You don't have to give up a lot of time for it either.
  • choehlein
    I really need help. I dont understand what i am doing wrong. Ive been exercising everyday and eating completely clean for the past 5 months but gained 20 lbs. Ive always been very active so i know and can tell it is not muscle gain. I only eat lean meat and fruits and veggies. Help me please!