Pinterest Pet Peeve!

Maybe I just have the wrong people on my Pinterest, but I swear 90% of the "recipes" I see pinned are just a bunch of pre-packaged processed garbage thrown together into the same pan. Oreos layered with cookie dough from a tube layered with boxed is this a recipe in any way, shape, or form?

I feel like I'm alone on this because I see probably at least half a dozen of these "recipes" posted DAILY, and among them are a bunch of pins of "GREAT ABS in THIRTY SECONDS!" "LOSE 10 POUNDS IN TWO DAYS!" I feel like I've become more aware of this since really buckling down about what I eat. Please tell me I'm not alone in my irritation!


  • You are certainly not alone, though my pinterest does not include recipes. Your awareness of healthful eating has lessened your tolerance for culinary laziness.