Determined to get into shape

Hey everyone, you can call me Ashleigh!

I'm 21 going on 22 in May. I never did anything remotely athletic in High School for fear of looking stupid and lack of experience. Summer of '11 a friend encouraged me to join a sport with her because it was no experience required. I said why not, at least I won't look as stupid trying to play soccer! I've been playing on our University's Women's Rugby Club for the past 2 years and loved every moment of it..there's a position for every body type.

That first year I played I didn't realise it until someone mentioned I looked smaller, I had lost 30lbs in about 4 months, 218 at my lowest. I could see my collar bones, my calf muscle were defined,I was shrinking and wasn't even trying to! Summer came, a break from Rugby and all went downhill from there.

My major is Computer Science so that means that I get to sit on my bum and stare at screen for hours on end every day. Finding it quite stressful, I ate away my stress for the past year without finding the time to exercise because of a heavy course load. Doing so I gained all the weight back and some more. I played on and off this Spring season and suffered a concussion early March. Honestly that was the best (and worse) thing that happened to me because I knew I was eating the wrong foods and way too much of it..I wasn't allowed to exercise at all, so that forced me to make healthier food choices. As soon as I ran out the junk food sitting in my pantry that was it, no more. Slowly over the last month I've been making healthier food choices and smaller portions(my biggest struggle).

All that pent up frustration that I was unable to exercise turned into determination. My head is much better now and have been working out when I can make time, which goes great with my healthier choices. I feel better already! Did the first day of 30DS and have been doing the 30 days squat challenge for the past 3 days.

I'm hoping to make a couple friends on here to keep me motivated cause I tend to give up after a week when I don't see results, but I really want this. My goal weight is about 140-145lbs! Add me :)

Also any tips for having cheap, healthy meals that aren't too time consuming? I'm poor and lack time!