

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I think the problem is with your snacks - stay away from cookies, they're the worst snack you can eat basically.
    Try to eat dark chocolate instead of dairy, and limit it to 2-3 pieces a day.
    I'm 5 foot 9 and I started at 138 lbs - in 4 weeks I managed to get to 129. Lower your calorie intake to 1200 to lose weight, since you're a sedentary type (I assume since you're still at school), 1500 is the amount you should eat to maintain weight.

    Hope this helps! :)

    At 18 years old and 5 5", I sure hope that she maintains on more than 1,500 calories. I am nearly 30 years older, only an inch taller and maintain on about 2,100 - 2,200 with no cardio.

    Nothing wrong with dairy if you are not lactose intolerant - in fact it has better macros for most people than chocolate.
  • Emmalydia26
    Thank you for all your help! :)
    I have tried to cut down on the sugary stuff that is in my diary, but due to it being a holiday at the moment, my family have been having 'treat's on a regular basis and i find it very hard to resist or turn down when it is offered, but i do realise that this is not an excuse!! and i should just get rid of all the sugary snacks which i will try to do.

    Also, i'm not underweight, according to my BMI i am at an ideal weight, so im not quite sure where you got that from.

    I will definitely try to increase my fruit and veggie intake but should i cut down on fruits? they seem to contain lots of sugar :/
    As for protein, what sorts of foods should i starts eating in order to acquire more protein into my diet?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thank you for all your help! :)
    I have tried to cut down on the sugary stuff that is in my diary, but due to it being a holiday at the moment, my family have been having 'treat's on a regular basis and i find it very hard to resist or turn down when it is offered, but i do realise that this is not an excuse!! and i should just get rid of all the sugary snacks which i will try to do.

    Also, i'm not underweight, according to my BMI i am at an ideal weight, so im not quite sure where you got that from.

    I will definitely try to increase my fruit and veggie intake but should i cut down on fruits? they seem to contain lots of sugar :/
    As for protein, what sorts of foods should i starts eating in order to acquire more protein into my diet?

    Do not worry about sugars, especially ones in fruit.

    Here is a post with protein sources:

  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thank you for all your help! :)
    I have tried to cut down on the sugary stuff that is in my diary, but due to it being a holiday at the moment, my family have been having 'treat's on a regular basis and i find it very hard to resist or turn down when it is offered, but i do realise that this is not an excuse!! and i should just get rid of all the sugary snacks which i will try to do.

    Also, i'm not underweight, according to my BMI i am at an ideal weight, so im not quite sure where you got that from.

    I will definitely try to increase my fruit and veggie intake but should i cut down on fruits? they seem to contain lots of sugar :/
    As for protein, what sorts of foods should i starts eating in order to acquire more protein into my diet?

    You are at the lower end of the healthy weight range... I haven't read all the comments so I'm not sure if someone siad you were underweight. You will have much better results i believe with switching your focus from weight loss to muscle gaining. MOre muscle, smaller body.

    Sugar isn't a bad thing provided you have no medical reasons to watch your sugars. Sugars from fruits, while processed pretty much the same as refined/added sugars, are much better for you because they come with many more vitamins, minerals and overall nutrients than things like cookies, cakes, etc.

    For protein, eat nuts, seeds, beans, chicken, pork, beef, fish, nut butters, dairy products, etc. Tons of protein options out there!
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Thank you for all your help! :)
    I have tried to cut down on the sugary stuff that is in my diary, but due to it being a holiday at the moment, my family have been having 'treat's on a regular basis and i find it very hard to resist or turn down when it is offered, but i do realise that this is not an excuse!! and i should just get rid of all the sugary snacks which i will try to do.

    Also, i'm not underweight, according to my BMI i am at an ideal weight, so im not quite sure where you got that from.

    I will definitely try to increase my fruit and veggie intake but should i cut down on fruits? they seem to contain lots of sugar :/
    As for protein, what sorts of foods should i starts eating in order to acquire more protein into my diet?

    Unless you are diabetic don't worry about sugar, particularly the ones in fruit. The fibre and nutrients in them are good for you.

    Protein can come from meat or vegetables depending on your preference. One of my favourites is 0% Total Fage natural greek yoghurt you can get at any UK supermarket. But, chicken, turkey, eggs, beef are all popular too.

    Please do look at upping your calories though. as Sarauk2sf said, you will still be in a deficit at 1500 cals.
  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    protein at it's best comes from lean sources...chicken, beef, pork, fish (tuna and salmon are great), and eggs. You can also get it from dairy such as hard cheese. cottage cheese, legumes, . For one so young and at your ideal body weight, you are really lacking in protein, as well as veggies, and calories. Adding protein along with your carbs will make you feel satisfied for longer. The sweets need to be more of an occasional treat. You can then balance the increased calorie intake with exercise, and you should still maintain while toning up.
  • Emmalydia26
    Right, so upping my calories up to 1500 and adding more fruit and vegetables and protein, should help my weight loss? and overall health?
    Thanks again for being so helpful, i didn't realise what i was doing could be harmful :/
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Right, so upping my calories up to 1500 and adding more fruit and vegetables and protein, should help my weight loss? and overall health?
    Thanks again for being so helpful, i didn't realise what i was doing could be harmful :/

    Lift heavy! Find a gym or search online for body weight exercises. Eating at maintance while focusing on building muscle will make for a smaller body even if the scale doesn't agree.