How do I lose more than 2 pounds a week?



  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    If I can make a suggestion, up your cals to 1400 a week, you will still lose weight, then do some weight training. I found that my weight loss was slow but that the weight training really helped me lose inches AND shape up the rather gross body I have. OK, I am still way overweight but I do look a lot better than before. Ultimately this is a journey about teaching yourself good habits. It must be very tempting for you to lose masses of weight before your holiday, particularly if your peers are teasing you but, seriously, 30 pounds of weight loss in that short period of time will make you look awful. and "skinny fat" Much better to do some strengthening, posture work etc so you can enjoy your holiday more and look good!

    Just my two pennies worth, good luck with whatever you decide to do... I put on 3 pounds on my recent holiday but really enjoyed myself. Working to get the weight back down but, in the end, it is whether you can enjoy life whilst losing the weight that matters.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Do 5:2 it's amazing
  • Hi have you done spinning before I have found its really helped me with my weight loss its fun too.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Man you must have found some of the rudest Koreans when you were working there because I lived there for 3 years and not a single one ever told me that I was fat (and I weighed over 300 pounds during that time frame!). Granted, I only knew how to say hello and thank you in Korean, so it's totally possible that they were talking about me behind my back in Korean but whatever, if they were I sure as hell didn't know it. Haha

    I have to agree with most people that trying to lose more than 2 pounds a week when you don't have that much to lose is going to be very difficult and most likely harmful to your body. I do however, also agree with FattieBabs that you should give strength training a try. I know that my body has changed as much as it has because of the strength training that I've done. I'm still overweight (honestly probably still slightly morbidly so) at 216 lbs 5'5" and 30 years old but I'm currently in a size 16 pants. The last time I was in a size 16, I weighed 40 lbs less! Which tells me that as long as I keep up my strength training, good eating habits and other exercise, that when I lose this next 40 lbs, I'm going to be in an even smaller size than I was the last time I weighed around 180 lbs. So while you might not lose the 30 lbs in 11 weeks, you'd LOOK as if you did because you'd be losing inches and becoming smaller, which is really one of the goals that we're all trying to achieve by losing weight right?

    All of that aside, best of luck in trying to reach your goals and I hope you enjoy your vacation, whatever you weigh.
  • likerebecca
    likerebecca Posts: 57 Member
    That's the kind of weight loss I am looking for (3 pounds a week over 90 days). How did you do it Lovemitch125? what's your height and calorie allowance? and what exercise do you do?

    It's not completely unrealistic depending on how you do it... I lost 24 in 90 days. It all depends on how much you have to lose though. If 30 is all you have to lose then it probably won't happen. I had 85 to lose (now only 61 yay). Follow your plan. Don't try to come in drastically under your calories because that will stall you (trust me). If you work out, you need to eat more. I have actually stopped working out until I can figure out the right ratio. In the beginning you will lose more. Keep your salt intake down. Drink LOTS of water, and seriously PACK ON THE VEGGIES.. no alcohol... and don't eat less than 3 hours before going to bed. Those tips will ALL Help you. But to expect to consistently lose more than 2 pounds a week will only disappoint you. I lost 15 in the first 30, and then only a pound a week after that. I wish you luck!!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I only asked how I could lose one extra pound a week for 3 months WITHOUT IMPACTING ON MY METABOLISM, it's hardly extreme, I know how to do extreme should I want to.

    You asked and were told, repeatedly, that you cannot do that. Losing more than 2 pounds a week will impact your metabolism. It is unhealthy given how little you have to lose. Asking again will only get you the same answer -- or a response from someone who will give you an unhealthy answer about how to lose the weight temporarily with additional damage to your metabolism.

    You've already harmed your metabolism -- do you really want to harm it further or heal it? Over 2 pounds a week is extreme. You don't think it is because you've been more extreme in the past. That's like the anorexic who thinks he or she is overweight because of gaining 5 pounds... never mind the fact that he or she is still medically underweight, or the super rich person who thinks not being able to afford a private plane makes him or her poor. When you're used to the extreme, sometimes it's hard to recognize "normal". More than 2 pounds a week when you have less than 50 (or usually even more like 75) pounds to lose is too fast. Because weight fluctuates, you may lose more than that for the occasional week, but not consistently and healthily for months.

    Just because you don't like the answers you're getting doesn't mean they are rude or wrong.

    Why not take the reasonable advice several people have given? Lose what you can, reasonably, and exercise so you are in as good shape for the holiday and the rest of your life as possible, instead of making yourself sick? Work on what you can do instead of worrying about some arbitrary number.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I do not know what is in your diary so all I can tell you is to cut some stuff out or replace some stuff based on some of what I did when I wanted to lose fast but not keep it up. Don't drink anything but water, no dessert or candy, eat only fried cabbage every day for one meal out of the day, eat only stue or soup for one meal out of the day, eat 5 to 7 times a day. You already exercise a lot so I'm not going to say anything for that.
  • Bane81
    Bane81 Posts: 40 Member
    If you want to maximize your results you need to do this:

    1. Eat clean - limit "cheat meals" to once a week, give yourself a reward for eating clean 97% of the time.

    2. Eat smaller meals more frequently - Starving your body of the needed calories will only hurt your progress. Eat every 2-3 hours, 6 meals a day. I usually make my breakfast, lunch and dinner meals a bit bigger then the 3 "snack" meals.

    3. Try doing empty stomach cardio - I do 40 mins almost every day when I get up and have a few glasses of water. This will help target your fat reserves.

    4. Do some weight training - yes even for women, it doesn't have to be bodybuilding style of course but adding on muscle will decrease your fat.

    5. Drink plenty of water.

    6. Be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day.

    7. Push yourself, if you work out and don't even break a sweat, increase the intensity level.

    I set a goal to lose 25 lbs of fat in 2 months. I'm 4 lbs shy of that goal and have about a week left . It is possible, just a lot of hard work. I didn't lose a lot of muscle mass either like some are saying around here. I eat lower carb days Mon-Friday, and increase the carbs a bit on the weekend. I also eat more protein during the lower carb days to help increase the calorie intake lost from lower carbs.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Just cut off an arm or something....

    Your goals are unrealistic and unhealthy OP.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Ask yourself what is more important, one holiday or your health for the rest of your life?
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Frankly, nicolagothard, I don't see how you can lose that kind of weight in that amount of time unless it is all water weight. A lot of people on this board who have enjoyed amazing success, plus your trainer, have told you so. If people are being rude to you about your weight, could it be because you are not particularly nice to them? Just a thought...most people are not that rude unless they are totally self absorbed, or provoked, or both.

    nicolagothard, the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. If you don't like the answers you are getting here, then you might want to consult a group of people with chronic, unresolved eating disorders and ask them.
    SFOLCR Posts: 3
    I'm right there with you! I need to drop 30 lbs by Aug 25. I don't know how to get a menu planed of "everyday" foods - I just joined and starting today - anyone know of suggested 1200 per day menu plan that worked for them? I'm 63 and I've GOT to do this for my health as my blood pressure is off the chain (even using dieretic everyday with my doctor's prescription)...I bought a new bike and plan to bike ride eight miles every single day. Thanks.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Unless you are extremely obese, it's not going to be possible to loose that amount of weight without harming your body.

    Honestly, I think the only way you should be loosing weight is under the advice of a nutritionist who has experience working with people with histories of disordered eating.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    Try to add muscle at the same time. You may not lose the 30 pounds but if you add a few pounds of mucle - you'll look as if you did. Plus, you will look firm and healthy.

    It is a good rule of thumb that if you have ever had an eating disorder, you want to be very careful about restricting food and dieting. Trying to lower calories under 1200 sounds doesn't seem like a very careful approach. However, it is your decision in the end.
  • apcross13
    apcross13 Posts: 8 Member
    I hope you can back off of your emotions a bit and read the responses you have gotten with clearer eyes. Anyone who suffered from an eating disorder and then expresses thoughts that raise red flags (unrealistic/unhealthy goals, extreme concern over how she is viewed by others, overly emotional reaction to opinions given here) would be wise to take these suggestions seriously. I find your posts concerning, beyond the holiday issue, and I sincerely hope you will seek out some help before you come to harm.

    Best of luck to you.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    I'm right there with you! I need to drop 30 lbs by Aug 25. I don't know how to get a menu planed of "everyday" foods - I just joined and starting today - anyone know of suggested 1200 per day menu plan that worked for them? I'm 63 and I've GOT to do this for my health as my blood pressure is off the chain (even using dieretic everyday with my doctor's prescription)...I bought a new bike and plan to bike ride eight miles every single day. Thanks.

    Designer Whey (not sure of the spelling) used to have a variety of 1200 calorie meal plans that you can switch around. Look around this url:
    You may want to take a look at an old diet book, "The Mediteranean Prescription" it doesn't give a set calorie level but when I followed it my calories would come out to be about 1200"
  • pavofw27
    pavofw27 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing a smoothie cleanse ( and just following the recipes (I didn't buy their $400 dollar box of magic powder). I did it as a detox, not for weight loss, but I'm only on the 4th day and I've lost 4lbs. Maybe that will help!
  • JHB2011
    JHB2011 Posts: 153 Member
    why not eat healthy instead of a "Diet"?????
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    I only asked how I could lose one extra pound a week for 3 months WITHOUT IMPACTING ON MY METABOLISM, it's hardly extreme, I know how to do extreme should I want to.

    You asked and were told, repeatedly, that you cannot do that. Losing more than 2 pounds a week will impact your metabolism. It is unhealthy given how little you have to lose. Asking again will only get you the same answer -- or a response from someone who will give you an unhealthy answer about how to lose the weight temporarily with additional damage to your metabolism.

    You've already harmed your metabolism -- do you really want to harm it further or heal it? Over 2 pounds a week is extreme. You don't think it is because you've been more extreme in the past. That's like the anorexic who thinks he or she is overweight because of gaining 5 pounds... never mind the fact that he or she is still medically underweight, or the super rich person who thinks not being able to afford a private plane makes him or her poor. When you're used to the extreme, sometimes it's hard to recognize "normal". More than 2 pounds a week when you have less than 50 (or usually even more like 75) pounds to lose is too fast. Because weight fluctuates, you may lose more than that for the occasional week, but not consistently and healthily for months.

    Just because you don't like the answers you're getting doesn't mean they are rude or wrong.

    Why not take the reasonable advice several people have given? Lose what you can, reasonably, and exercise so you are in as good shape for the holiday and the rest of your life as possible, instead of making yourself sick? Work on what you can do instead of worrying about some arbitrary number.

    ...well said.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I find it surprising that it wouldn't bother you to be insulted by strangers. I don't need to see a therapist I haven't dieted for over ten years, I had an eating disorder as a teenager, I'm nearly 30 now. I only asked how I could lose one extra pound a week for 3 months WITHOUT IMPACTING ON MY METABOLISM, it's hardly extreme, I know how to do extreme should I want to. Some people are more sensitive than others it doesn't mean they need to see a therapist, we don't really do routine therapy for every little thing considered abnormal where I come from and besides I don't consider sensitivity to be a bad thing, it me a better person in other ways.

    I think they were meaning more along the lines of:

    If you're always concerned about what other people think of your appearance, you will never truly be happy with your appearance. There is always going to be someone who thinks you're too fat or too skinny. Everyone has different interpretations of what is a healthy appearance and it's up to you to decide what that is for you. You shouldn't base it off what someone else thinks, but off what makes you happy. You can't please everyone.