Newly single 30 year old mom needing to loose some weight!

I just wanted to introduce myself. I got divorced last year after a 11ish year relationship that was very up and down and after being cheated on... again, I finally called it quits and brought up divorce. We divorced last May. Now I'm 30, 5'6" single mom of a beautiful little girl who will be 5 in May. I've never been super thin, my prepregnancy weight was always around 150ish. I got to about 210 during pregnancy, then dropped to 140 after having my daughter when I was nursing. After weaning, I shot up to 175lbs! I had a hard time shaking the weight, probably due to depression and lack of motivation. Now that I'm trying to clear my head, I'm focusing on getting healthy. I'm down to 162.6lbs. My goal is 140lbs. I would be thrilled to get to 140! I've been using MFP for about a month and really love it so far. I think I'm going to get a fitbit today to help with my walking. So far, I've seen a lot of amazing success stories on here that make me want to work even harder!