Diet coke? Crazy I know



  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    I gave it up for a month while I was doing a cleanse and replaced it with green tea with lemon and stevia. After the month without it, I didn't want it as much anymore. There is a lot of disagreement among the health and science community on whether or not aspartame and sucralose are bad for you, so I try to limit them as much as possible just in case. I figure it's safer to opt for stevia, since it's natural. If you like soda, you should try Zevia.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    I drink a 12 oz diet Coke generally everyday. It makes me happy!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    You are fine. The "reports" that talk of the evils of diet soda are almost always based on studies where dosage was crazy high, often the human equivalent of 36 cans of diet soda a day or more.

    So, if you are drinking 30+ cans a day, then I would say it's probably not good for you and you should cut back. Less than that, there are far too many other things to worry about.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I gave it up for a month while I was doing a cleanse and replaced it with green tea with lemon and stevia. After the month without it, I didn't want it as much anymore. There is a lot of disagreement among the health and science community on whether or not aspartame and sucralose are bad for you, so I try to limit them as much as possible just in case. I figure it's safer to opt for stevia, since it's natural. If you like soda, you should try Zevia.
    There really is no disagreement if it's bad for you in moderation. There is plenty of science that shows it's perfectly fine.

    The disagreement is usually in relation to correlation studies in which people that drink diet soda are linked to everything from heart conditions, overeating, world war II, etc.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    Since it's diet and you aren't drinking pointless calories / sugar, one or two is fine - the only way a diet soda in moderation would be not so hot is if you are on a very, very sodium-restricted diet situation as mandated by a doctor and that small amount of sodium in the soda puts you over the edge, or if you have a high sensitivity to caffeine or something. Since you drink so much water and I assume are otherwise healthy, you're good.

    I love diet sodas as well. I'm working on cutting back on all of them all together but diet sodas broke the regular soda habit I used to have, and I dropped a couple pounds by doing nothing else because I cut out all the liquid calories. Now I'm working on breaking the caffeine addiction and it'll be all water all the time :)
  • Arosebloom1
    Arosebloom1 Posts: 16 Member
    One Diet Coke a day should be OK. You should not cut every thing as long you use moderation. :smile:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I have a Diet Coke with Lime every day.
    I'm addicted to Nutrasweet.
    I will die some day.
    But probably not from that...
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I get all my water from coke zero/tea/coffee..... hasn't done me any harm. Can't remember the last time I drank a glass of water.....
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Diet Soda while still diet is still acidic because of the carbonation and still has high amount fructose corn syrup so your not getting any health benefits out of it at all.
    People that tell you diet soda is that much better for you is a liar plain and simple.
    No matter the outcome your still drinking a lot of high fructose corn syrup which will just store in your body as fat.
    This is why I say there are better options out there.
    Look at my last post for more examples on this topic for examples.
    Live in denial all you want but look it up yourself.
    Here's your proof:
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Diet Soda while still diet is still acidic because of the carbonation and still has high amount fructose corn syrup so your not getting any health benefits out of it at all.

    Homie say wha?

    Men's Health references studies that might show correlation between diet soda and issues. It says in the same article that there could be a bajillion reasons for this that isn't related to the diet soda.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Now, I have about 55-70 ounces of icey cold yummy water every day but I also have one 12 ounce vanilla coke zero everyday. Do you think that's ok?

    Of course it might be better not to have that every day (maybe a few times a week instead), but even if you choose to have it everyday, I think it is okay--particularly with the amount of water you are drinking. Personally I think it would be better to have one SUGARY pop a day rather than one with aspartame, but I don't think one with all that water is too bad.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    Diet Soda while still diet is still acidic because of the carbonation and still has high amount fructose corn syrup so your not getting any health benefits out of it at all.
    People that tell you diet soda is that much better for you is a liar plain and simple.
    No matter the outcome your still drinking a lot of high fructose corn syrup which will just store in your body as fat.
    This is why I say there are better options out there.
    Look at my last post for more examples on this topic for examples.
    Live in denial all you want but look it up yourself.
    Here's your proof:

    Diet Soda contains ZERO High Fructose Corn Syrup. HFCS is sugar...not possible to have a zero calorie drink that contains sugar.