weight workouts

Anybody have any good workouts/advice to work my arms, chest, back, shoulders and legs?

I'm a 5'4 female weighing 140lbs if that helps, I'm doing 3 sessions of cardio a week planning on losing another 15-20lbs and toning up


  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    any of the heavy barbell work beginner programs

    Stronglifts/Starting strength - would be my opinion, just make sure your weight workouts center around heavy barbell work IMO


    I like that breakdown - basically starting strength + some accessory work
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member

    Even though you used the "T" word I'm still going to offer my advice: Get the New Rules of Lifting for Women. My girlfriend has been making awesome progress with the different phases, to the point of really nice muscle definition in her shoulders and back.