This makes no sense to me

Overall, I'm happy with where I'm at. I definitely want and need to loose more weight, but I'm getting there, I'm seeing the results! I get up just about every morning about 5am to get a good workout in before having to take my shower and get myself and my son ready to leave the house for work and school. Every morning (okay not every morning, but most) I wake up and tell myself that I'm really going to push myself and get a really good workout in. Once I get downstairs and get moving, I get so worn out and out of breath, I quit. I have such a hard time pushing myself. The worst part of it is, afterwards, I feel like I could do more, but it's like I'm stopping myself. I'm having a really hard time making myself go farther and push on. I want to and I know I need to, so why am I having such an issue with myself? Any suggestions?!?!


  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    I also workout early in the morning before getting ready for kids/work. I find that if I have a small cup of coffee and a light snack (1/2 banana with peanut butter or a 1/2 kashi cereal with almond milk), I have much more energy for my workout. I probably don't give it enough time to digest, because time is so limited, but it does seem to help. Also, the amount of sleep I have had the night before (I am not a good sleeper) impacts my workouts a lot.
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Maybe very early morning is not the best time for you to exercise. I used to get up at 5.30am and go to Boot Camp- It was an intense and extreme workout but I lost hardly any weight and hated it. I felt so tired and slept so badly the nights before as I was afraid of oversleeping. I ditched bootcamp and joined a gym and am much more motivated and the weight is starting to come off. Could you try fitting a workout it at different time of the day and see if it's any easier?
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Sometimes I've been like this too, especially when I've lived in really hot places in Australia where it can still be 35 degrees C at 4 in the morning! Sometimes taking it back a notch can actually help. I found that I would tell myself I was going to go out for a run but because I would wake up and dread the run I wouldn't do anything at all. If I told myself I was just going out for a brisk walk, I would go and not feel bad and at least get some exercise in the end.

    Otherwise I would definitely suggest group fitness to beat the slump. It really helps push you into doing as much as you can. It doesn't necessarily have to be in a gym, maybe you have a friend that could run with you?
  • Pinksapphire74
    When I am working out and want to give up, I start to remind myself why I am doing this, how good I will feel to be in those skinny jeans and how good I have felt everytime I was able to put on a pair of pants that I could not get over my butt before. I physic myself up. I too work out every morning at 5:30 and some days it is really hard! But I just tell myself you are going to do this, you will feel fantastic and I try to set a goal for the week, one that is not impossible to reach. Good luck and I hope one of the suggestions works for you:)
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I think it is great you have established a routine and set goals to work hard for yourself, but don't let that rule you. I knew from the beginning that exercise was going to be the weak link for me, so only committed to 2x a week for 30 minutes each. Typically I just walk at a very very fast pace. I lost weight doing that and since I have started feeling better, have actually increased the number of times I walk and occasionally even jog (can't believe I said that word!). I am just saying, you can lose weight as long as you are moving, so maybe you should look at another option that brings you more satisfaction. You can do this and that fact that you are exercising even for 15 minutes at a time is helping your overall health and progress! Keep it up!
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    I know that I would never work out in the morning...I'm NOT a morning person. When I started exercising, I knew that if I over did it I would quit. I started walking on my 15 minute break at work. I got a friend to walk with me so I had someone I wouldn't want to say no to. Try cutting back and only doing 10 or 15 minutes for three or four days, then adding 5 minutes for a day or two. Good luck!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Early morning is REALLY hard to adjust to - and I feel your pain because I'm trying to adjust it back into my morning schedule and it's ROUGH getting up early to workout !
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I agree with the person who suggested eating. If you wake up and workout first thing, your body is literally running on fumes. I've made this mistake and found that if I eat something light about 1/2 hour before I start, I have a lot more energy for my workout, then I eat the rest of my breakfast when I'm done and I feel so much better
  • weeble2008
    weeble2008 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions, they are much appreciated!! I think I'll try eating a little something before starting my workout, and see how that goes. I've always been more of a morning person, so that actually works out best for me. I've tried waiting until after work to do exercise, but I'm more apt to skip out on it or make excuses as to why not to work out! If my alarm goes off in the morning and I didn't sleep well or just feel like staying in bed a little longer, I do. I try not to let the morning workout rule me! For the most part I'm pretty gung-ho when I start my workout in the morning. It seems that once I get about 15-20 minutes in, I'm getting an obvious good workout in and have a hard time pushing myself to go further! I want to do it, but have a hard time making myself do it.

    Thanks again for the support!!!