I love this AP on my Ipad, but I'm looking for help

I'm looking for people who like to eat real food and still focus on losing weight. Or at least staying healthy. I need all the motivation I can get


  • ouleanna
    ouleanna Posts: 47 Member
    I hear you! It's so much easier to do this with lots of support. Feel free to add me, so we can help each other!
  • how are you accessing the community board on your app? Mine never let's me. It's just a bunch of pies and numbers. oh and HI! And I am a human who eats human food and does human things. motivated. at times critical.
  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    What do you consider real food?
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    You can a add me. Real food is my game plan. I try not eat anything that wasn't made by me from whole ingredients. I try to buy organic when I can. I eat meat (for the most part) from farms and wild meat instead of from the chain stores. I try not to eat any packaged foods even sauces, marinades, and salad dressings. I make my own.