Ladies: Running with a Weak Bladder?

MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
edited 5:09AM in Fitness and Exercise
Yea, I know...TMI bodily function post. No fun, yucky...etc.


I have had 2 kids. The first one was no biggie...the 2nd one went from la la la I am fine to BORN in under 3 minutes without meds. She wrecked my insides due to such a quick birth.

I find when I run I leak pee (as I do when I jump, sneeze, cough, laugh too hard etc). I have tried kegels but with no help.

Is there anything else you can suggest to help with the leaking while running issue? It is no fun and I am not a fan. Obviously one can wear pads as well...but still, not awesome.

Is there something I am missing or not thinking of?


  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I have a friend that has this issue. She had surgery but it was only a temporary fix, she wants to have another baby in the future so she is holding off on a 2nd surgery.

    At this point, she limits water and pees before a ran but still wears a pad on long run days :(

    Good luck, I hope someone has another answer for ya!
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Unfortunately, some women in your situation find that they just have to find alternative forms of exercise, such as biking, hiking, swimming, and the low impact machines like Elliptical. I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear, but...
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    #1. Keep doing your exercises and wear some dark colored compression shorts. I probably sweat more than you pee (Seriously I lose 2-3 pounds during a run) and my entire crotch can look like I wet myself. Compression shorts help keep you drier and chaff free and with a pair of non cotton running shorts over those and no one will probably even know.

    #2. Get an understanding running partner.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I heard before, but haven't tried it that a compression belt or girdle of some kind can help with this issue. I'm sure you can find something if you google it. I only have one kid, she was on the bigger side so I have been dealing with this some. I plan my runs so I go by a bathroom every 3 miles. I generally can make it 3 miles, not over.
  • zelda9496
    zelda9496 Posts: 1 Member
    There is actually a shot out there that you can get. It is like Botox for your urethra. I have the same problem but it was not an option for me. I believe it is contagon, or something like that. It makes the urethra swell and stops the urine from running out while you run. Check with your doctor and see if it might be an option for you.

  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I always empty before I run because I will have to pee 5 mins into it. If I were you I would just wear a pad while you run if you really really want to run.
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    I also had a child who shot out of my body and left damage in his wake. And also have had some bladder related issues.

    I always go before I run. And as weird as it sounds, I practice squeezing while I'm actually going to the bathroom so I know I'm using the right muscles.

    I was considering seeking some kind of medical treatment, but I recently found something that did help!! I have been doing 2 HIIT sessions with a trainer per week that includes some strength training but also tons of plyo. I would never choose plyo workouts because I am slow and don't jump very high/far. It is HARD! But, after a few weeks, I noticed that my core was noticeably stronger, and my ability to stop my urine stream by squeezing when I pee went from not even really slowing it down at all, to fully being able to stop going! It was an unexpected benefit of the HIIT workouts! So, I'm now a huge fan of the plyo workouts and definitely recommend trying to do some high intensity plyo and see if it helps you!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Bump. Need to hear all this advice as I am in the same boat!!
  • smw1023
    smw1023 Posts: 34 Member
    Same issue--was told it is actually a crush injury from such a rapid birth. The doctor said they inject collagen/plumping fillers around urethra to decrease leakage. She also told me no amount of Kegels would help--but I still try!--and traditional type bladder lift surgery does not fix this problem either. I always go right before exercise, wear a pad and hope for the best.
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