Help I need motivation!!!

meandmy2dollies Posts: 6 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I have not been able to walk at work like I had been and I have no motivation to exercise at home. I get up at 4:30 every morning. I leave my house by 6:00 to take my daughter to day care and get to work by 7:00. I have a 45 minute commute. I work 8 hours a day, don't get home until after 5:00 at night, fix dinner, feed the kids and I am just exhausted by the time dinner is finished. I fortunately do not have to clean the dishes because I do get help with that. I just don't have the motivation needed to start working out again. The weather has been nasty. I still have 30 pounds to lose. I started off really good and lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks but for the past 4 weeks I have been holding steady or gain a pound, lose a pound, etc. What can I do to get myself motivated again? I want to be able to wear my cute clothes again, and the swimming suit, everybody wants that. It's just not enough. My fiance' is very supportive but it just isn't enough. HELP PLEASE!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :frown:


  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    I've been struggling with the same thing. I, too, get up at 4:30am, work all day, come home and take care of the kids, make dinner, do laundry (or some other chore). By the time I'm done, I'm too worn out/tired to exercise.
    This week, I made a challenge for myself....some exercise every matter how small.
    Monday, I did the treadmill....Tuesday, I did sit ups and push ups....Wednesday, was too sore....I will begin again today with some sort of exercise.
    Good luck to you.....yes, it's a struggle.....just don't give up.....
  • meteor5
    meteor5 Posts: 6
    Working out in the morning was a huge challenge for me, but I knew that was the only time that I could work out consistently. I started doing it here and there, and then when I actually did two days in a row, I felt amazing and challenged myself to do it more and more. When I finally did a whole week, I felt SO accomplished, and even more motivated to keep it up. Even if it's only 15-20 minutes, that's better than nothing! What I'm saying is, decide when you can work out, and DO IT. Challenge yourself to do it one day at a time until it becomes more of a routine. The more you do it, the better you'll feel about everything.
    Your schedule sounds impossible! Could you try cooking meals for more than one night at a time so that you can just heat and serve some nights? That might give you some more time after work. I don't know how old your kids are, but maybe you could take them out for a walk with you or throw a ball back and forth? If they don't have great aim, you'll get quite a work out chasing the ball ;)
    It's hard for everyone and we all go through phases where we get overwhelmed like this. It's always recommended to write out your goals and have a constant reminder of why you're doing this. Pick out your favorite cute outfit and hang it where you can see it. Have you picked out a wedding dress yet? That has been a source of motivation for me. I want my second wedding to be 1000 times better than my first, which includes wearing a fantastic dress--they just don't make fantastic dresses in my size.
    Remember why you are doing this. Why it's important for you to lose 30 more pounds. And decide if you're going to do it, or if you're going to let life get in the way. I know I don't know you, but I know you can do this!
    Good luck!
  • meandmy2dollies
    meandmy2dollies Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Rusty. I know I"m not alone but sometimes it is just so hard to remember that
    Meteor5, my girls are 9 and 4 so I am constantly chasing the 4 year old and sometimes the 9 year old. We have a park in our development that we take them to sometimes and while they play I walk around the parimeter. But it seems here lately I don't even have the ambition to do that.
    Thanks for the input though. I haven't picked out a wedding dress yet. Maybe I will do that and get it a size or 2 too small.
    THANK YOU!!!!!!
  • meteor5
    meteor5 Posts: 6
    Doing any better this week?

    Chasing kids around sounds like good exercise! And if they like it, maybe they'll motivate you to go by asking to go. But of course I don't have kids =/

    Hope things are getting better for you!
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