Weird ankle pain- halphalp

I'm juuuust restarting an interval training thing for a 5k- using Zombies, Run!
Normally I run every other day, but yesterday I decided to start running daily with a rest day.

A few days ago I got a huge blister on the ball of my foot. I used different socks, ran on it, and got another blister and ended up ripping that one open, without too much detail---there was blood and it hurt.

Because of that, I've been walking on that foot a little weird, sort of limping and walking on the outside of my foot with it turned inwards a bit.

I think maybe because of that, during my run/walk today I felt really odd. At first I was just really aware of my ankle, then the more I walked on it the more it hurt, except for when I started running. When I was running it just felt warm, when I was walking it hurt- bad.

So what I'm wondering is, should I just take days off until it goes away? Do you guys think that this is due to me putting all the weight on the outside of my foot? I tried not to, but then the blister hurts. Not sure if this is a pain to run through or something I should be careful with.

I'm getting an elliptical in 2 days (if our lord and savoir, fedex decides to bestow its blessings upon me on time for once) so should I just use that for a few days until my ankle doesn't hurt?

Also sorry for ranting, I have no idea about anything running related so I figured I'd give you all possible related details.


  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member

    Anybodyyyy? D: Should I wrap it? Elliptical it? Run anyway?
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    I can't believe that these awesome pictures didn't net a response.

    FWIW, my advice would be to let it rest. Foot stuff like that is just the worst, because you can't really be off your feet ALL the time. Best to let it heal and get back to normal walking.