what would you do????



  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I know you meant well but imagine that lady making a post on here...

    "I was at the gym working out and trying to get healthy and someone told me I was too heavy for the equipment". She'd be inundated with responses telling her what jerks people could be.

    It was a lose/lost situation for you really. You don't want someone to get hurt BUT it's also not very nice to have someone imply that you're too fat for the gym equipment, and that's basically what you told her. Maybe a better way to approach it would have been to address the exercise rather than her weight. Something like "hey I just want to let you know that I was told not to use those balls for anything other than wall exercises because they sometimes break".
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I didnot tell her that she was to heavy for it but rather that the type of exercise that she was doing was not what the ball was meant for, and stated that it is meant for static exercises up to 250lb....what she was doing was not static. With that being said I could see how someone could take it as me saying she is too fat, hell in that sense I'm too fat, I'm roughly the same size as her
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    I don't get involved with other people at all. No one appreciates unsolicited exercise advice in the gym, no matter how nice you think you're being. Just dont do it and worry about yourself.