Confused! Burn more than you consume?

what exactly does that mean? My daily Calorie intake is I have to burn more than 1250 a day? That seems rash. I (according to this site) burn 315 calories doing my bike daily for 30 min...thats no where near close to burning more than I eat....confused. It says you lose weight if you dont eat your should I not eat these calories back.....can some one break it down for me haha Thanks :)


  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Your body also burns quite a lot of calories by keeping you alive. Your heart muscle is pumping the entire day, you're longs are working, your immune system is doing it's thing, your creating new skin hair and nails, and also your brain consumes massive amounts of energy.

    If you search on this site on BMR you'll find how you can figure out the number of calories your body burns every day on days you don't even come out of bed. And quite likely (unless you're really very petite) that'll be more than 1250 calories.