Fresh Start


My name is Skylar and have been using MFP on and off for about 6 months. I decided that I needed a completely fresh start, so I deleted my original account. I can't quite explain how deleting the account and creating a new one feels more like a fresh start then just using my old account again, but hey, it makes sense in my twisted head haha.

I have lost the same 10-15 pounds in the past and now I am looking for a permanent change. I have come to realize that I am really good at losing weight, but keeping it off is a different story. I have finally realized that I can't fix the outside until I fix the inside. From my own self diagnosis (I am not a doctor or an expert) I have discovered that I have emotional eating/ compulsive eating/binge eating disorder (I've heard it called many things). I have recently purchased some self help books about emotional/binge eating and have started to work on why I am they way I am with the help of these books. I hope to seek professional help from a counselor after I graduate in May and save up a little bit of cash, but for now these books really seem to be helping me understand my behaviors when it comes to food, weight loss, and my body.

Long story short, I am here for a fresh start and have decided to just take it one day at a time with no expectation. I would love the support of any of you and hope that I can support you on your journey as well.


  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    You are correct, maintenance is the hardest part. If you want friends in maintenance, send me a request, but read my profile first. We don't have a lot in common, but I am very familiar with gaining and losing the same weight over and over. I'm still here in maintenance because I don't want to have to lose it again.