The mommy tummy....



  • lkgarza
    lkgarza Posts: 56 Member
    Love all the help! I am 33, 2 boys, youngest is almost 3 and I am struggling to lose the mommy tummy too! My biggest set back is sugar :( and I found that High Intesity Interval training has been the best way to trim my whole core. When I eat clean, no sugar and stay on my workouts, I see a huge if I could just keep that up every week, all the time, forever :) I haven't had any luck with plain ab workouts (sit ups and such), cardio is where it's at for me. I know it can be done though, so don't give up!!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Hi There! I definitely understand your frustrations. I have 2 boys, 7.5 and 5 years old. I am naturally pear shaped and my tummy was never really a problem area for me until after I had my boys. However, now it is one of the best parts of me! What has worked for me is: running, Jillian's 'Ripped in 30', staying at my calories and limiting sugar. It took quite a bit of work to get to where I am now (you can see in my profile pic), but I am proof that it CAN be done! Good luck to you!

    Thank you for giving me hope! I tried the 30 Day Shred and when I finished it I moved on t Ripped in 30 but I never finished it. I started running again but that was just a few weeks ago. I guess I should clean up the diet and keep at it!
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    The biggest issue with the tummy after having children is bringing the stomach back in to a tight corset at before. To do this YOU MUST work the core from the inside out!!! It's crucial to get not just your stomach back but your alignment from being pregos is all whacked out and you need to get that back as well. This will affect your posture, your core and your hips. TO fix this its starting with the Transverse Abdominas. Incredible workouts that will help....Postnatal Workouts are key. I recommend two! They will fix your problem. It's not really fat it's that your stomach is protruding due to pregancy and you will lose major inches without even losing pounds because it's a internal fix that needs to happen. I used Tracy Anderson Postnatal workout you can read reviews on it and buy on Amazon and Helene Brynes Excerise after pregnancy also on amazon. I highly recommend both!!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    The biggest issue with the tummy after having children is bringing the stomach back in to a tight corset at before. To do this YOU MUST work the core from the inside out!!! It's crucial to get not just your stomach back but your alignment from being pregos is all whacked out and you need to get that back as well. This will affect your posture, your core and your hips. TO fix this its starting with the Transverse Abdominas. Incredible workouts that will help....Postnatal Workouts are key. I recommend two! They will fix your problem. It's not really fat it's that your stomach is protruding due to pregancy and you will lose major inches without even losing pounds because it's a internal fix that needs to happen. I used Tracy Anderson Postnatal workout you can read reviews on it and buy on Amazon and Helene Brynes Excerise after pregnancy also on amazon. I highly recommend both!!

    Thank you for t he suggestions! I will look them up. I'm seriously willing to try anything at this point. I lift, I run, I Zumba....I eat fairly well but I KNOW I need to work on my diet. Maybe my own mind is my problem. :grumble:
  • elenacy
    elenacy Posts: 7 Member
    I have similar issues. I'm 5"4, 118lbs and a tummy that is still hanging around 6 years post baby. I've been doing Sadie Nardini's yoga workouts from youtube and am starting to see some great results after about a month. Take a look at your posture too, if your spine curves in a lot at the base it might be pushing out your tummy. Yoga can help with that too. :)
  • mizmgmt
    mizmgmt Posts: 5
    I did Insanity and it really really helped me (mentally and physically). I wasn't able to lose weight really quickly because I was still nursing. My belly was freakishly squishy and big after my baby. I thought it would never go away!

    I posted a short "success story" video on YouTube that I hoped might inspire some other Moms out there.

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  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
  • Modmomma79
    Modmomma79 Posts: 42
    I feel like my tummy has gotten down to a certain point and will not budge anymore. I do cardio, strength training and I eat clean.
  • amandabrooke17
    amandabrooke17 Posts: 24 Member
    The 2nd pregnancy really did a doozy on my belly button and I'm left with awful scars and stretchmarks on top of my 1st pregnancy's stretchmarks--my skin is also loose, but at least for me it's mostly in the bikini area.

    HOWEVER as far as actual strength of my core, I've found mine is now better than pre-pregnancies because I've actually worked to build up strength through ab exercises (I'm doing Shred again too) and losing the fat through running/cross-training. I'm not eating completely clean, but doing much better than before, I think that's helped a lot with the bloating and my digestive system. My waist isn't thinner than before my pregnancies, but it's showing more definition :)