Does anyone have a good homemade bread recipe?

kcdrake Posts: 512
edited September 20 in Recipes
I love, love, love homemade bread, but there are so many recipes that have one slice of bread over 100 calories! I love wheat and multigrain bread. I have been eating store-bought bread for the past few months and I'm just so sick of it. Does anyone have any good bread recipes they could share with me?
I found the thread for "Whole Wheat Herb Bread Recipe" and I want to try it, but I would like to have a few different options.


  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Unfortunately I don't have any to share, but I sure am interested in some, also!
  • kristinelw
    kristinelw Posts: 29
    I have a few recipes that I love, but unfurtunately I don't have any nutritional information on them and they are all in Norwegian. I'll be happy to both share and translate (as well as I can), though. They are not really "diet-food", but I think they are reasonably healthy and very tasty!

    Rye-bread with honey, about 2 breads

    70 g yeast
    11 dl kefir or water (I don't usually have kefir, so I use water), 37 degrees celcius
    17-18 dl wheat flour, sifted (regular white flour, that is)
    7 dl rye flour, sifted
    3 dl whole grain rye flour, coarse
    2 dl whole wheat flour, fine
    1/2 dl honey
    2 dl sunflower kernels
    1 tsp salt

    Bake the same way as any bread :)

    Nutty bread, about 2 breads

    1 dl sunflower kernels
    1 dl sesame seads
    1 dl pistachio nuts
    1 dl walnuts
    1 dl pine nuts
    1 dl whole wheat grains (kernels?)
    1 dl oatmeal
    1/2 flaxseed
    5 dl boiling water

    7,5 dl water
    50 g yeast
    2 dl whole grain rye flour, coarse
    3 dl whole grain wheat flour, coarse
    2 dl whole grain wheat flour, fine
    13-15 dl white flour
    1/2 dl oil
    1 tsp sugar or honey
    2 tsp salt (less if any of the nuts already are salted)

    I never have all the nuts needed for this recipe in my pantry, so I usually just skip some and add more of the others (i.e. no pine nuts, but 2 dl whole wheat kernels). The important thing is to have a total of 7,5 dl nuts/grains.

    Put the nuts/grains in a bowl, and pour boling water over them. Let them soak for about an hour, and then you can bake the bread as usual.
  • kristinelw
    kristinelw Posts: 29
    After my last post, I got an urge to bake a good, healthy bread, and came across this recipe (in Norwegian, but with lots of pictures):

    I happened to have most of the ingredients, so I started baking, and now the bread is just out of the oven! I've had a small taste, and I must say I'm satisfied with the results :)

    Heres the recipe in English, if you would like to try it:

    2 bread:

    2 dl whole wheat flour
    3 dl rye flour, sifted/white
    2,5 dl oatmeal (half of this was supposed to be ryemeal (?) )
    1,5 dl wheat bran
    1,75 dl whole grain rye flour
    1 dl sesame seeds
    1,5 dl flaxseed
    5 dl white flour
    1,75 dl sunflower kernels
    1,75 dl wheat kernels (was supposed to be pumpkin seed)
    2 tsp salt

    4,5 tsp natron (baking soda?)
    10 dl kefir (I used one with 0,4% fat)
    2 Tbsp honey

    Bake in the oven at 175 degrees Celcius for 1 and a half hour (90 minutes). I have very little experience with natron, but the recipe says that it is important to mix the natron in the kefir before you mix it with all the other ingredients, and make sure it bubbles, or you will have a pretty dense bread.

    I've tried to calculate the nutrion data for this bread, and here's my result:

    1 bread = 25 slices

    Per slice:

    Calories 100
    Protein 4 g
    Carbs 13 g
    Fat 3 g

    Also, I've thought of an easy way to change the recipe from metric to US units:

    dl -> cup
    tsp -> Tbsp
    Tbsp -> 2,5 Tbsp

    If you do this, then the recipe would make 4-5 breads instead of 2.
  • AlexandraNK
    AlexandraNK Posts: 54
    This is one of my favorite recipes. I'm not sure the calorie count since i'm new to the site and haven't put it in yet but WOW is it good.
    OATMEAL-WHEAT BREAD with Cranberries and Nuts
    1⁄2 cup warm water 1 package fast rise yeast
    21⁄2 cups lukewarm water 2 Tablespoons honey
    51⁄2 cups bread flour 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
    11⁄2 cup whole wheat flour 11⁄4 cup chopped walnuts
    13⁄4 cups rolled oats 11⁄4 cups cranberries
    1 Tablespoon salt
    (Makes 2 loaves - 9”X5”X3”)
    1) In a medium size bowl moisten the oats in 2 cups of the water. In another large bowl mix
    together all the dry ingredients (except nuts and cranberries) . Add the remaining water, oil,
    honey and oat mixture to the dry ingredients. Mix. Add cranberries and nuts and mix or press
    them into the dough. The dough should be slightly sticky and form into a ball-like shape.
    2) Put the dough out onto a floured surface and knead for approximately 10 minutes. Add a
    little flour whenever it starts to become very sticky. Kneading is finished when the dough is very
    elastic; test by pressing a finger against the ball of dough - the dough should spring back.
    3) Put approx. 1 Tbs. of oil into the mixing bowl and return the dough, making sure to coat the
    entire surface with oil. Cover the bowl with a cloth and leave in a warm spot (like an oven that
    has been heated slightly and turned off). Let the dough rise until doubled in size; this will take
    about 1 1⁄2 – 2 hours.
    4) Take the dough out of the bowl and gently push the gas out of it (this is called punching down
    but punching is not necessary). Cut the dough into two equal parts. Shape and pull the surface
    of the loaves smooth; place each in a greased 9”X5” loaf pan.
    5) Cover the pans with a cloth and leave them in a warm place to rise again; this will take about
    30 - 45 minutes.
    6) Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes on the middle rack and then rotate
    pans 180˚ and bake for another 20-25 minutes. The loaves should be a nice light brown on top.
    To test if they are ready, take one of the loaves out of the pan and tap the bottom; it will sound
    hollow when it’s finished.
    7) Cool for at least 15 minutes and enjoy!
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