Just started working FT, how do you fit in workouts???



  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I could get up at 5, but that sounds pretty awful. :)

    Not awful at all :wink:
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It is tough with kids, you will probably just have to adjust your schedule around theirs.
    I am up at 2:30. I have a 40 minute commute one way to work. I get there about 4:30 am. I go up and down the stairs 10 times before I leave for work, and 10 times at work before I begin working out. We have a gym at work so I work out in the morning for an hour before I start work. I got a fit bit about 2 months ago, so during the day I also make a point to take the long way around every time I get up from my desk, and I go up and down the stairs, the steps add up quickly doing this during the day.
    Good luck to you! Hopefully, where there is a will, there is a way.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    How old are your kids? If they aren't babies, then you can find 30-45 mins to do some kind of workout at home. I have a treadmill and get on that while they are playing.
  • randee95
    randee95 Posts: 13 Member
    Just get up earlier! Yeah, it sucks, but it is totally worth it to get your workouts over at the beginning of the day. You could get up early 3 days a week during the work week and then do something active on the weekends. ;)
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    Waking up at 5 may sound awful now, but you'll get used to it. I was sleeping until 7:30am before I decided to get serious about weight loss six weeks ago. I started getting up at 5:30 and was at the gym by 6:30. It took about a week to adjust and I was definitely exhausted by the end of the day, but now it's easy and I enjoy it. Give it a try!
  • sfgirl2012
    sfgirl2012 Posts: 2 Member
    A good way to get started is taking 3 10 minute brisk workout times a day.....walk up stairs, go for a walk, do something that gets your heart rate up for at least 10 minutes at a time. This will add up to 30 minutes a day for starters. You can also work some activity into your day by being concious of taking extra steps. Park further away and walk to your destination, take the stairs instead of elevators/escalators, take a walk around the mall before beginning your shopping.

    These may seem like little things but they add up. When you feel you can make some time for longer workouts, then add them in. This works without guilt and without that 5am alarm. Hope this is helpful.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Days off, half days are all taken advantage of. I used to wake up at 5 to do gym before work. If you want it badly enough, you will fit it all in : )
  • kiesha22001
    kiesha22001 Posts: 70 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I work full-time, have 2 kids (daughter-8 and son-6), and I'm planning on going back to school. I also find lunch walks to be difficult because I don't like to cram down my food in 15 minutes just to get a 15 minute walk.

    I typically wait until the kids are in bed (8/8:30ish) and walk on the treadmill for at least 15 minutes if not 30. I'm lucky as I have a very supportive husband that does everything with me (yes, including helping with the kids, making supper, and is on MFP)! I know that a 15 minute workout may not seem like a lot, but it does make me feel better and that's the important part.
  • KGzlz
    KGzlz Posts: 5
    You just have to make time! I work part-time 3-4 days a week and go to college full-time 5 days a week, so usually I'm out the house by 8am and get home around 11pm on days I work and 10pm on days I don't work. And still, I have to complete loads of homework, papers, projects and study, while maintaining an above 3.0 GPA. The only time I could find was to wake up earlier to get my workouts in. I use home DVD's (Denise Austin and Jillian Michaels). It really difficult at times to wake up earlier than your normal routine suggests, but it's good to get it out of the way first than getting home exhausted from a long day and attempting to give it 100% then. Best wishes on your journey!
  • Hgrassi
    Hgrassi Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, thanks for all of the replies!!

    I guess I just need to stop being such a baby and get myself to bed earlier so I can work out at 5! :) It's good to hear from all of you out there doing it, it helps make it seem less strange and hard. I think I've just been kind of pampered these last few years into doing things when I wanted to, it's time to suck it up and do it now just because it needs to be done!!!

    I had to buy some clothes in the plus size dept yesterday, so ****'s about to get real.
  • allie491
    allie491 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in the exact same situation. I've been out of work for 9 months, about to go back next Monday. I am very worried! I am not a morning person, I hope I can find the time and energy to exercise in the evenings
  • allie491
    allie491 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm not a morning person, and getting up at 5am would make me an angry miserable b!tch the rest of the day.

    If it was me, I would pop in a DVD as soon as the kids are in bed, and workout then.

    same here..no 5am for me....ever
  • changejen2013
    No reason if you get home by 4:30 that you can't work out HARD for 20-30 minutes then shower for 10 minutes then get dinner going and eat by 5:45-6pm
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    I think there are tons of good ideas here. I am a fan of carrying a good pedometer and tracking 10,000 steps a day. I work on a large headquarters campus and add few extra steps (like 200-500) between meetings and my office. It works for me, and it fits in with the day.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I did the 30 Day Shred around midnight on a regular basis because a) my dh was there in case I collapsed :laugh: and b) I liked to collapse into bed soon after.

    Now I'm spreading the fitocracy Spark Challenge throughout the day: some push-ups on the landing, squats in the park, lunges on the play mat... Maybe have a think about where you can slip a few minutes of exercise into your day.
  • Clement1ne
    Scope out the area around your new job. Is there a gym?

    Could you possibly go at lunch time then eat afterwards at your desk?

    Just a thought!

    Emmalee :smile:
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    How old are your kids?

    I am a single mom and my boys are 12 and 16.... four days a week they are responsible to make dinner. I work out after work on those days and we eat together when I get home. I also take advantage of the weekends and any free time I can get....

    If you want it bad enough you will fit it in.... good luck
  • SparklyPinkMom
    SparklyPinkMom Posts: 50 Member
    Oh, do I ever feel your pain! You already have won half the battle because you recognize that this will be hard and that you want to work to keep at it. When I went back to work, I thought things would just naturally fall into place, and now (5+ years later) I have put on 50 lbs. I have JUST started getting back at it now and find that the best time that works for me is the secondI get home from work. I don't stop or sit down, I give the kids a quick kiss, then put on my shoes and jump on my elliptical and workout. This leaves me time to have a quick shower and then sit down to dinner with the family (DH cooks, so I'm very lucky there) & I've still been making it to lessons, etc. This is new for me, but so far it's working.

    You'll figure something out.....but whatever you do, don't stop! :)
  • mombieocalypse
    I leave the house at 7 and I am home by 5. 3 days a week my husband watches the kids until 6 so I can stop at the high school track and walk/jog. I am trying to figure out a time to start the 30 day shred today. My hubby had to go into work and although the 8 and 9 year olds can stay out of my hair for a half hour, I have a 10 month old who is hands on all of the time. We did manage to go for a family walk (kids are trying out their bikes for the season) so that was cool. I think you just try to squeeze whatever you can in, it's better than an excuse of why you couldn't do it.