
I started using this app, last year and love it, I lost a total of 29 lbs and was able to keep it off for a whole year. The last 2 months I was slacking and gained 5 lbs back, so now I have decided to jump start my weight loss plan again to lose the 5lbs I gained and 10 more. I just purchase "Total Lean Shakes" from GNC and today is the first day doing them, so far I tried the Blueberries and Cream and it was really good. I plan on doing two shakes and day and then a healthy dinner. I find if I stick to 1200 cals a day I lose weight. I am 42 so as you get older it's harder to lose that unwanted weight. I'll let you know how it goes with these shakes. Has anyone else tried these shakes? If so would love to hear your story.