I'm back, ready for a healthy me.

Hello all! From the wonderful state of Ky here...Been on MFP for before and ended up failing at my diet. Second attempt now & I am not quitting this time. I have 62 pounds to go, I would love to make some friends to motivate me & help me in my journey. Feel free to add me & I will do the same for you.


  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    teehee- we're samesies! (2nd go around, looking to lose about 63 lbs and lost 12 so far)

    I must admit this time I'm being much more serious than before, actually taking time to do my homework on what is truly healthy, thinking about what foods do inside the body instead of how they taste in the mouth, etc.

    I'm sure you're going to fly like a bird this time :)

    Feel free to add me!