Any tips??

I started my weight loss journey a while ago, and it started off rough. When I finally started loosing weight I felt like it just melted a point. Now I feel like no matter what I do I'm stuck in this plateau. I was recently diagnosed with celiac (which means I can't eat gluten) but I haven't been able to make any gluten free diet changes yet. I am wondering if the celiac is part of me not being able to get past this plateau? Also, any tips for staying on track? I feel like I've been so discouraged since about two months after this plateau hit that my diet and exercise have been spotty at best. I will get excited, be very good about what I eat, fit in as much exercise as possible, and it will last about 2-3 weeks. Then I get no results at all and I'm back to bad habits (not as bad as when I started, though, so at least I've learned something!) Any tips or suggestions would be great, thank you. =]