Need a little encouragement!

This past year I spent a lot of time with my brother who had terminal cancer. Initially I was able to maintain my weight loss, exercise, diet and log in my daily intake. Eventually, it became harder as I had less control over all of those things. Well, I lost my brother in February and have been dealing with this loss and trying to get my life back together after devoting much of the past 12 months to being with and caring for him. Dealing with much sadness and some panic attacks that I have never had before in my life. Started back on MFP this week. Not lookng for sympathy but some encouraging words to keep my motivated while I get into my routine. Thanks!


  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    So sorry to hear about your loss. It's really difficult to lose someone, especially when you are close.

    Ease yourself back in, and remember that physical activity will help boost your mood. Even of you just takes long walk, an listen to music that will help get you going again.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Sorry for your loss.

    Just take one step at a time and change one small thing at a time to better yourself and your life. For example, start with a small walk around the block or adding veggies to each meal.
  • gracetoo
    gracetoo Posts: 29
    I am sorry for your loss.
    I went through something similar when my Dad passed away after a battle with cancer.
    It is tough to get back into a daily routine when the better part of your life was in a holding pattern while your loved one was sick. Try to figure out what 'normal' is now and then go from there. Get back into a routine, start small with healthier food choices and quick workouts and grow from there. And don't beat up on yourself if you fail some days. You are just beginning to grieve and some days will be better than others.
    Take care, and feel free to add me if you wish.