Raw buckwheat

proboho Posts: 62 Member
The calorie value of this seems to vary widely depending which brand you pick on the data base. Anyone out there got the TRUE value of 100g of raw buckwheat groats?
Be good to know


  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    The buckwheat groats I have in my hand say : 1/4 cup (45g) dry 150 calories. I believe if you have 100 g of buckwheat groats measured dry you will be getting more than 300 calories. If the ones you saw are measuring the 100g after they were cooked the value will be different. I have a bag of "Bob's red mill" buckwheat groats. I went in and looked at the ones in the data base and it seems to vary based on preparation. I would measure 43g dry because after you cook them it does make quite a hearty serving.
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    thanks, that is helpful, seems to coincide with the higher value one on the data base.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Do you have any good recipes for these groats or are just starting them? I have only made them a time or two, and I would love to get some tried and true recipes. Also, have you used buckwheat flour? I just made some pancakes that are so good! Light and fluffy!
  • LesaLu4
    LesaLu4 Posts: 83
    So, I might be a little strange in what I consider tasty... but I love to just eat the buckwheat groats raw. I think they are roasted. They taste nutty and earthy. I just snack on them by the handful, but usually not more than a handful because the calories can add up. I haven't done that for a while, this post makes me miss them. I swear they give a little energy lift when I need a boost.

    Enjoy your groats!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    So, I might be a little strange in what I consider tasty... but I love to just eat the buckwheat groats raw. I think they are roasted. They taste nutty and earthy. I just snack on them by the handful, but usually not more than a handful because the calories can add up. I haven't done that for a while, this post makes me miss them. I swear they give a little energy lift when I need a boost.

    Enjoy your groats!

    LOL! I tend to find odd things tasty as well! Maybe you just gave me a good snack idea!