What is your favorite non-scale victory



  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Being able to do more and more military push-ups :) When I started I could do 0!
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    my back getting smaller !
  • madgenes
    madgenes Posts: 5
    Fitting (just!) into my pre-pregnancy jeans and having my husband tell me i look even more beautiful than usual :-)
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I got a pair of trousers and 2 pairs of jeans that are a UK size 12 (US size 8) when I've always needed UK size 14-16.
    I can also run for half an hour straight on the treadmill these days :smile:

    Oh, and being able to feel my ribs without sucking in:tongue:
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    My biggest victory was being able to do a full press up. Not a girly one. Not one where I pretend I've gone all the way down but a real FULL nose touch the floor and back up press up :)
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have about a gazillion non-scale victories I'm very proud of, but here are some:
    - I can now buy bras from most clothing stores in this damn little town (stores here usually have sizes 70A-85D). It's now easier to find bras and they are cheaper than those from underwear stores. (I've gone from H to D.)
    - I can do several military push-ups. Last autumn I could hardly do any "girly" push-ups.
    - I don't sweat every time I move a little bit.
    - I can easily squat more than I weigh.
    - I can bench press more than 50kg.
    - My asthma is not as bad as it used to be (knock on wood).
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    I'm in a different boat to most - not looking to loose "weight" as such, but a few of Mine:

    Having to buy new, Larger clothes, and NOT because of the Belly!

    Gaining 6KG and Being told I look SLIMMER!

    Being tagged as the Squat King in my Gym!
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    One morning I put my belt on and it was so loose for me on the "last" hole I had to get a hammer and nail and I punched a new hole about 2.5 inches in from the last one! :smile:
  • Kaasie1
    Kaasie1 Posts: 25
    Saying no to junk food this weekend and going walking instead
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My first one is being able to fit into size 20 jeans and being able to buy a few pair of them at the thrift store. Second is my husband's compliments and encouragement.