Guys, I need some love.

I've had a rotten few days, despite the weigh-in yesterday being such a great loss, but...

I told my doctor yesterday how much I've lost since March 10th, and he didn't even congratulate me. Then he said we're upping the migraine meds to a higher dosage "even though the side effect is weight gain... but you're signed up for weight loss surgery so that doesn't matter".

I don't WANT the surgery. I want to do it naturally and healthfully, and he doesn't seem to give a rat's derriere.

I'm feeling pretty discouraged.


  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    what migraine meds are you on? i was on Topamax - side effect is weight LOSS and it works well. p.s. (after about 40lbs came off the migraines actually stopped, i only get them like once a month or so. used to be every week, sometimes every day)
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Sheesh! Your doctor sounds heartless! Can you get a new one that is more hip to your natural weight loss cause? That does seem like the best option, other than surgery. You can do it! Don't let your doc get you down.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Weight gain doesn't matter, 'cause you're signed up for weight loss surgery? Really,,, wow.

    Was there an actual duck in the room?
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    what migraine meds are you on? i was on Topamax - side effect is weight LOSS and it works well. p.s. (after about 40lbs came off the migraines actually stopped, i only get them like once a month or so. used to be every week, sometimes every day)

    I'm on amitryptaline.

    If after 6 weeks, this doesn't work, then we'll try topamax. However, I read that topamax has a sulfa in it... and I tend to be allergic to sulfa... which is why we tried amitryptaline first.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Sheesh! Your doctor sounds heartless! Can you get a new one that is more hip to your natural weight loss cause? That does seem like the best option, other than surgery. You can do it! Don't let your doc get you down.

    It is REALLY hard to come by a new doctor in this town that's taking patients, unless you're geriatric, or pregnant.
  • jsc4him
    jsc4him Posts: 40 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! The fact that you want to lose the weight naturally is awesome! I think alot of people want to take the easy way out and think that surgery is it. Keep it up girl! I'm inspired!!! You show your Dr. that you can do it and make him eat those nasty words!

  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Honey, don't give up home.....I have found that most Doctors are cold heartless fish.....anymore they are just in it for the money. They have so many people coming to them it is like a revolving door. My advise to you is go get a second opinion or just plain change doctors and find one that will suit YOUR needs not theirs. I am sure that you have been doing fantastic at your weight plan.......don't let anything discourage are a very beautiful, strong woman!!!!!!!!!!!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Weight gain doesn't matter, 'cause you're signed up for weight loss surgery? Really,,, wow.

    Was there an actual duck in the room?

    What a slap in the face, eh?

    No. Just that quack.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Thanks, JSC and Samantha...

    I'm just struggling.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    <<<HUG>>> Stand your ground. It's your body and your life. If you dont agree with him, find another doctor.
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm on amitryptaline.

    If after 6 weeks, this doesn't work, then we'll try topamax. However, I read that topamax has a sulfa in it... and I tend to be allergic to sulfa... which is why we tried amitryptaline first.

    I have a sulfa allergy too...but Topomax didn't effect me. It did help the migraines! It didn't seem to do much for weightloss though, unfortunately. However, I had also been on steroids for a couple months before that, so that might have made the difference in weight...counter acting eachother. ??

    Good luck! I hope you find something that works for you soon! and I agree with several others...I'd be finding a doctor that is more supportive of your efforts!
  • thisemmabites
    thisemmabites Posts: 117
    I think you should get a new doctor's opinion. Yours sounds like a jerk. I had a doctor too that didn't listen to what I was feeling and I gave him the boot.(I know you said they're in short supply, keep looking though.) You're doing well, especially with the pain that you are facing every day. You're a logging machine, and I am happy that I have you on my friends list to inspire me. I hope you get the answers you need soon. Much love :)
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Y'all have me in tears at my desk.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Does Dr. Aflac know that you don't want the surgery? Is he even trying to help you do this yourself? What a tool,,, I'll bet he's got leeches in a drawer somewhere.

    "Don't try to take care of yourself,,, you'll just screw it up. I've got potions and a knife and we'll just fix it". :huh:
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Does Dr. Aflac know that you don't want the surgery? Is he even trying to help you do this yourself? What a tool,,, I'll bet he's got leeches in a drawer somewhere.

    "Don't try to take care of yourself,,, you'll just screw it up. I've got potions and a knife and we'll just fix it". :huh:

    Yeah, and instead of talking about botox, acupuncture, naturopath for the migraines, he pushed more pills.

    And he knows I want to do it on my own. He just doesn't believe I can. Said that flat out yesterday.

    Someone once told me that "the best revenge is living well".

    I think it's rather apt, just this moment.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    He doesn't believe that a beautiful, basically healthy woman in her 20's can manage her weight if she chooses to do it? Wow,,, well there's only a couple possible explanations for that, and they all come down to arrogance, stupidity and lack of respect.

    I'd find another Doc just to stop giving the SOB my money.

    You can do it, and you will, and I wanna watch. Friend request coming. :smile:
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    He doesn't believe that a beautiful, basically healthy woman in her 20's can manage her weight if she chooses to do it? Wow,,, well there's only a couple possible explanations for that, and they all come down to arrogance, stupidity and lack of respect.

    I'd find another Doc just to stop giving the SOB my money.

    You can do it, and you will, and I wanna watch. Friend request coming. :smile:


    Y'know what gets me?! I AM basically healthy. Yes, I have a low immune system, which I've had since birth- has to do with lack of breastfeeding, and a couple other things. YES, I have Migraines.

    But my blood is perfect. My heart is perfect. I'm above average intelligence. I can exercise well. I am basically healthy.

    And no, he doesn't believe in me.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    You need a new doc, seriously. If you wanna lose in healthy ways then do it! Congrats on your loss too!!

    Also - I was on amitryptaline for awhile, and I realized it made me moody and my head felt "cloudy" all the time. Watch for those symptoms!! I took myself off of it and the migraines come back every so often, but when I was put on it it was a daily thing.
    Just be careful about those pills...theyre anti depressants as well as migraine meds and if you dont need all the ingredients in the pills they could start to make you crazy. Last thing you need when youre doing good trying to lose!

    Either way, glad you came here with this cuz youre doing fine and docs can be heartless jerks sometimes. Get your files and find a new one! <3
  • Leaf
    Leaf Posts: 5
    amen raindancer.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    You need a new doc, seriously. If you wanna lose in healthy ways then do it! Congrats on your loss too!!

    Also - I was on amitryptaline for awhile, and I realized it made me moody and my head felt "cloudy" all the time. Watch for those symptoms!! I took myself off of it and the migraines come back every so often, but when I was put on it it was a daily thing.
    Just be careful about those pills...theyre anti depressants as well as migraine meds and if you dont need all the ingredients in the pills they could start to make you crazy. Last thing you need when youre doing good trying to lose!

    Either way, glad you came here with this cuz youre doing fine and docs can be heartless jerks sometimes. Get your files and find a new one! <3

    Funny, actually- the amitryptaline 50mg dose wasn't helping my head... but my husband found the effect on my mood to be instant and dramatic- suddenly I was a sunnier person, and not as edgy, or cranky, or flat out b*tchy about the pain... I hadn't realized just how hard I was to be around.. so I'm grateful that they've had THAT effect... helping me to be easier to be around. People at work noticed it too... I talk a lot less about wanting a bazooka. So that's good.

    Just need the pain to go away now.