Why is eating healthy so darn expensive?

I went grocery shopping for myself my husband and two kids today. Just for today though Friday food cost about $170! I usually spend $100 but I started healthy eating today and counting calories and lets just say chicken salmon and veggies cost a crap load more than pasta and pizza crusts :(


  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    one reason is healthy things like veg and animals take time to grow and have to be tended to,the more time and money spent on the food product the more you will have to pay even more so as they have the tax on top from several different places .
    pasta and breads are made from refined flours,the more refined the further it stretches to make more products,making it cheaper and they will seperate all the parts for some things for different uses and will consist of processed products and all of these things are the worse things anyone can eat.
    the more refined it is the more it is stripped of any goodness it originally had and processed meats contain fillers and reclaimed meat made from the animals crushed carcass to get the remaining tissues from the bones etc,
    put all that cheap crap together and you get cheap food that causes people to become ill over time and gain lots of weight so after they've all gained weight whats the worse thing they do but make the healthy food cost more cause they know people will still buy them either cause they want to or cause they have to to for health reasons.
  • Beautifulsoull
    Coupons will be your bestfriend. When you see mark down meat usually that means they are about to expire, but if you buy the meat you can put it in your freezer and your good to go! Sometimes off brand items can be higher (by a little not much) in calories then the name brand. But if your on a budget still go for the lower price which is usally off brand. Buy in bulk when fruits and veggies are on sale. Keep what you need out and freeze the rest. When there off sale go to frozen kind before canned fruits and veggies. You can always buy cheap bread and freeze some if you don't go through bread like I do with my husband and daughter. Try to go shopping 1 time, if you keep going back to get this and that then your going to spend more without realizing.
  • raeraebeau
    I've never been a couponer but I clipped coupons from the paper on friday.ive noticed the healthy stuff is never on sale the way the snacks and frozen foods are though
    Coupons will be your bestfriend. When you see mark down meat usually that means they are about to expire, but if you buy the meat you can put it in your freezer and your good to go! Sometimes off brand items can be higher (by a little not much) in calories then the name brand. But if your on a budget still go for the lower price which is usally off brand. Buy in bulk when fruits and veggies are on sale. Keep what you need out and freeze the rest. When there off sale go to frozen kind before canned fruits and veggies. You can always buy cheap bread and freeze some if you don't go through bread like I do with my husband and daughter. Try to go shopping 1 time, if you keep going back to get this and that then your going to spend more without realizing.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    It's all relative. If everything is portioned normally and you cut back on the dining out, the savings is there. I always have plenty of leftovers to get me through the week. A $10 lunch out in town can buy me 2-3 days worth of food at home (averaged out).
  • raeraebeau
    Thats true. I just hate spending so much and the fridge is still not packed lol

    It's all relative. If everything is portioned normally and you cut back on the dining out, the savings is there. I always have plenty of leftovers to get me through the week. A $10 lunch out in town can buy me 2-3 days worth of food at home (averaged out).
  • RobynUnfiltered
    RobynUnfiltered Posts: 62 Member
    I've never been a couponer but I clipped coupons from the paper on friday.ive noticed the healthy stuff is never on sale the way the snacks and frozen foods are though

    You are so right about this!! Buy what is in season that is usually cheaper, also Farmer's Markets are good. Just make sure you use it all up or you will be so mad when you have to toss your $$ in the trash! Healthy eating is pricey which is why there is such an obesity problem going on now.
  • RobynDCrossman
    End result:
    Cheaper than medication for weight-related health issues.

    I was paying upward of $400 a month in medication for diabetes prior to my weightloss.
  • lifesigns64
    lifesigns64 Posts: 110
    Healthy lean meat chicken fish fruits and vegetables are never on sale here. There are rarely coupons for unprocessed food. I'm having s hard time affording whole unprocessed food.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I find we spend less on the healthier foods. For example, snacks. My kids love apples and peanut butter, or celery and peanut butter, or carrots, also dried fruit, fruit cups, oranges. That stuff lasts longer than say, bags of cookies or chips. If we stick to fruits and vegetables, I don't have to keep going back to the store unless it's for produce since it doesn't last as long as frozen.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    End result:
    Cheaper than medication for weight-related health issues.

    I was paying upward of $400 a month in medication for diabetes prior to my weightloss.
    Many people over look this. Are you now off of your meds? I have heard of people being able to stop taking them.
  • imadyer
    imadyer Posts: 145 Member
    End result:
    Cheaper than medication for weight-related health issues.

    I was paying upward of $400 a month in medication for diabetes prior to my weightloss.

    This! Think of all the future medical costs you can avoid because of a healthy diet.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I normally go grocery shopping at Costco once a month or every six weeks, in between I would buy fruit. For me making everything from scratch at home have saved me a lot of money. My next task is to make my own bread, that way I know what it in the bread - will do so this week.. Some of things I do at home now are: cook own black beans for the week (instead of Goya - too salty), make my own almond milk - more healthier (zero chemicals), juice a lot more instead of store bought.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    When I had a freezer, I'd buy the giant packages of chicken breasts. Sometimes they're on sale and you can get them for a little more then $10. 8 chicken breasts make a LOT more food then 3 pizzas.
  • bob1505
    bob1505 Posts: 5 Member
    Chef Tom Colicchio was on a show I was watching the other night and he put it very well. Calories are cheap, Nutrition is expensive.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Have you tried ethnic shops? I used to live right between a Turkish supermarket and a Greek greengrocer - lovely fresh food, mostly unprocessed, for little money.

    Also, cutting out meat made my food bill way, way lower - all that processed meat is insanely high in sodium, raised inhumanely, and full of antibiotics, so treat yourself to the good stuff occasionally rather than making it a must-have ingredient, or worse, main component, in every meal.

    I've not eaten any meat in 10 years and don't miss it, but then, I never liked the taste to begin with. Your mileage may vary, so if you do enjoy it, concentrate on quality rather than quantity. Like all the foods you should be eating.
  • RobynDCrossman
    End result:
    Cheaper than medication for weight-related health issues.

    I was paying upward of $400 a month in medication for diabetes prior to my weightloss.
    Many people over look this. Are you now off of your meds? I have heard of people being able to stop taking them.

    Yup! Off all of my medication. :)
    Life is good, so so good!
    All is regulated with diet.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I went grocery shopping for myself my husband and two kids today. Just for today though Friday food cost about $170! I usually spend $100 but I started healthy eating today and counting calories and lets just say chicken salmon and veggies cost a crap load more than pasta and pizza crusts :(

    For 4 people that isn't so bad for a week of eating, of course it's all relative to your budget.

    Buy whole chickens and break them down, they are the cheapest, then use the carcass to make stock.

    Get frozen veggies if that is cheaper

    And pasta can be eaten on a healthy diet
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    try shopping at stores that honor price-match (Walmart does, idk about other stores.) i've BEEN spending around $100 - 120 every other week for two to eat healthier. i started focusing on what was actually on sale in produce and meat market. last visit cost me $45 and will feed my sis and me for two weeks! (homemade minestroni, sans the pasta, and crock pot cacchiatore...not to mention the salads i prepped to go along.) it is really tough to find the deals, but try perusing the sales pages before planning out your next few meals and decide what you can make from what is in season. hopefully, you'll be pleasantly surprised. :)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    lets just say chicken salmon and veggies cost a crap load more than pasta and pizza crusts :(

    true, but those things also contain a lot more nutrition, so you get more for your money. If you look at it simple in terms of price per ounce, then definitely, pasta and pizza is a bargain; but filling my belly isn't the same as taking care of my nutritional needs. For me, when my nutritional needs are met, I have a much easier time staying in control of my eating, my body feels satisfied.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    End result:
    Cheaper than medication for weight-related health issues.

    I was paying upward of $400 a month in medication for diabetes prior to my weightloss.
    Many people over look this. Are you now off of your meds? I have heard of people being able to stop taking them.

    Yup! Off all of my medication. :)
    Life is good, so so good!
    All is regulated with diet.

    Congrats on your health victory! That has to feel so good! Your success is an inspiration! :flowerforyou: