Having trouble eating enough

I eat healthy food 90% of the time, and I really avoid sugar, grains and most dairy, so I find by the end of the day, I have only eaten 1200 calories, and half the time, it's only because I added something after dinner. I'm busy all day and not that hungry (my oatmeal or smoothie in the morning really keeps me goind I guess) I seem to be able to eat 3 400 calorie-ish meals a day... should I force some snacks in during the day? I relatively subscribe to the thinking that you shouldn't eat at night, and I really make the worst decisions then anyways.
thoughts, ideas?
I'm nursing a baby, so I try to make sure I keep my calories reasonable, but these days i'm not getting there.
if you are looking at my last weeks net calories, I have trouble believing that a 2 hour hike really burns 1000 calories (although I am wearing 22 lbs of baby on my back) so I don't eat all my exercise calories back


  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    adding in snacks is fine, eating at night is fine too,
    try to have something already portioned out for that latenight snack if needed
    If you plan it ahead you'll make better choices
    and make sure to drink tons of water and other liquids
    which you're probably already doing
    I hope the nursing is going well, and that you can find a solution that works for you.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have the same issue..
    I stopped using low fat/ fat free stuff and started adding more sides to dinner.

    Also.. pre-logging helps a lot..esp with trying to hit protein goal.

    I stopped making a breakfast smoothies and replaced it with real food.

    My goal is between 1408-1643. I've been able to hit it more often now with these changes.

    I don't eat my calories back.. I used the IFcalculator to get my rest day calories and my exercise day calories, and just make range my goal. I I can't obsess about hitting everything perfectly..that would drive me nuts.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    Maybe I'm low on protein, I'm just so bad with portions on food that tases good, so don't bring in nuts
  • When I started counting calories I only did it to see how much I was eating a day, under the direction of a doctor and dietician. I did this for about 3 weeks, then I cut calories to actually lose weight but also have the calorie counting routine pretty well ingrained. I noticed that after I set my calorie goal I have had trouble hitting it. I have some days like today where the only reason I came close was the cupcakes I had. I won't eat if I'm not hungry (something that I used to do a lot was just eat to eat) and I'm like 800 calories short of my goal today.

    Other days I shoot way past my goal. I try to pay more attention to the weekly average than any given day, but I have far more days where I eat way under, than days where I hit or exceed my goal.

    I'm a 6'5" man, and I've lost ~30lbs since Jan 1st starting from 350lbs so a few calories here or there isn't as big a deal as it would be for someone much smaller
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    add 2 tbsp of unsweetened peanut butter to your smoothie and voila, 200 extra calories....
    or make a post workout shake with some whey protein, banana, milk, and peanut butter - that's as good as an extra meal....
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Maybe I'm low on protein, I'm just so bad with portions on food that tastes good, so don't bring in nuts

    Use a measuring cup/spoon as a scoop, (I do, and my skinny son laughs at me as he heaps his plate) put the left-over food away before you start eating. Put extra veggies on your plate and make salad to have with meals. You can make all of these additions high protein, if you pay attention to the ingredients. I eat a lot of veggies with my meals.. I wish I could post pictures on here.. i can never make it work. My plate are usually low calorie, really healthy and over flowing. I'm working on my protein levels now, cause I feel better when I get 100 grams or more. I ate a ton today.. and kept it under 1600 calories and actually did good with the macros.. that's with chocolate whey protein milk, nutella and smashed taters, granola bar a huge omelette, bacon.. .. lol I ate good today :) I make salsa out of anything these days and (today was pineapple with avocado and squeezed lime over chicken thighs) .. my diary is open.. i did struggle a bit last week though.

    get recipes from skinnytaste.com I usually use full fat ingredients, but her recipes are awesome!

    Add tuna to salads.. a whole can is 150 calories (if I remember right) and good protein. If you like nuts, buy them in the shell, you'll eat less cause you have to work to get to them.. lol.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm saying I'm not reaching my goals with the foods I eat. I don't use diet products, but I do lean toward a paleo or vegetarian (ish) diet... Today I feel like a sloth because I filled up on bread... i'm ruined for crappy food.

    I usually add almond butter to my smoothies, but I haven't been lately. I used to snack on hummus and apples between meals, but I cut that out too... maybe I need to reintroduce more food and more movement again
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Tagging to check back later. I'm also having trouble getting my full calorie needs. Being diabetic means I don't eat many breads, pasta, starchy veggies because of what it does to the numbers. And, sweets are definitely OUT of the picture (even if they DIDN'T taste too sweet for me!)
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Some higher calorie foods with healthy fats:
    -natural peanut butter
    -nuts and seeds
  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    weighing your foods helps a lot
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm saying I'm not reaching my goals with the foods I eat. I don't use diet products, but I do lean toward a paleo or vegetarian (ish) diet... Today I feel like a sloth because I filled up on bread... i'm ruined for crappy food.

    I usually add almond butter to my smoothies, but I haven't been lately. I used to snack on hummus and apples between meals, but I cut that out too... maybe I need to reintroduce more food and more movement again

    ha you'll like my eating habits.. very little meat.. unless you don't eat dairy either.. then you won't like it. LOL I don't know what paleo is.. cant' help you there.

    If I didn't love animals I'd be a vegetarian :~p (just a joke not picking on you or your diet choices!)
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    don't get me wrong I like meat. I was a real vegetarian once then I passed up a big seafood feast and totally regretted it, then I realized why am i restricting something that i really do like!
    I buy almost exclusively local free range grain/ grass fed meat. It simply costs too much to eat a huge steak very often (like $15/lb expensive) so i just trade off so we eat it less often and in smaller portions.
    I'm more or less off dairy, just because cheese is my nemesis. I still let it in, but not every day, and not in the same ways i used to.
    I'm terrible, i always get so hung up on food when I'm trying to lose weight. I wish i could just naturally eat a reasonable portion and naturally want to be active enough to eat what i want.
    I'm going to start adding the higher fat foods back... nuts and seeds, almond butter, avocado, etc... those things are healthier for the baby anyways (he always panhandles some of my food). I should make sure my meals are closer to 400-500 instead of 300 calories. Making a batch of hummus this week for sure
  • I posted yesterday about the same problem. I tried today to add more nutrient rich food, but still only got to 1000, and i was aiming ffor 1500 since I'd done all the measurements for the road map thing and I think i should be on like 1500 calories or so. I have food allergy that cans a heap of the proteins, so its really just a bit of dairy and some steak. Its hard if you don't feel like eating between meals. but it must be even harder for you with breastfeeding, so take care with that. i'm at the other end of that and think I'm hitting the beginning of menopause, at least i hope i am :0
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You just have to keep taking baby steps..

    The way we are "conditioned" to eat, by the media and the advice of most well meaning friends in not the proper way to feed our bodies. You can't learn math in a day, why do we expect to join here and on day 2 have it down? We are conditioned to eat added sugar and salt, trained to eat quick microwaved chemical-laden meals, taught the wrong portion sizes. How do we know what 2 oz of beef looks like when the smallest cut anyone ever sees is 6 oz? Who knows the recipe for anything when it comes pre packaged ready to heat up and go? We have to learn. Do you quit school after 1 failed test or try harder? This is the same kind of journey only much more important, since it's your life and your health you are talking about.

    I don't eat enough.. I probably still don't eat enough.. and i know if I eat more i'll lose weight quicker and get to my heath goals quicker. I just focus on one day at a time. Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. Today is up in the air. I am trying my hand at juicing (not a juice fast, just making my own juice) so who knows how that will affect my appetite.

    Just add healthy whole foods into your diet (preferrably organic) and you'll get there. Experiment. You never know what you'll like. (I like beets roasted, but not boiled and appartenely not so much in juice. LOL) I scour the internet for easy, quick, interesting recipes that use the stuff I have in my pantry. It's not as hard as it sounds. You just have to make up your mind that there is no plan B. Then forgive the slips and move on as if they didn't happen. :~)
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    OR I can eat a chocolate cone from Costco. 520 calories. OOPS!

    no problem today, but there is a lot of room to wiggle since we climbed a mountain this morning, then spend the afternoon loading a pickup truck with garden waste for a friend. I sure got my exercise in today!
  • surreygirl23
    surreygirl23 Posts: 85 Member
    God, I have huge problems hitting my daily target, now I've cut out all foods containing sugar, also bread (to try and curb a yeast problem).
    Yesterday I had 2 eggs and a full fat latte for breakfast, cold roast lamb and a huge mixed salad for lunch, roast chicken and veg's PLUS a large glass of red for dinner and I was still under 1200 cals.
    Plus I was running around all day preparing for house guests this weekend.
    I find I have to pre-log, and then add in nuts, cheese and full fat Greek yoghurt to get me over 1200 cals. and getting to my required 1400 cals is a real effort.

    I've just finished pre-logging for today and I've had to eat a granola bar with a cup of tea to get me over the total. I'm hoping a little fruit sugar every now and then will be ok!
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I tend to go for the less healthy choices (like a granola bar) too when I have too many extra calories... I really can't Prelog, I'm not that organized about what I'm going to eat ahead of time. I don't even know what's for dinner tonight for once
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    I can sympathize with the problems of getting calories due to having to cut out most breads for medical reasons. Especially now that my family is shifting more towards our summer-type foods. During the winter, it doesn't seem so hard, but now that we're eating more sandwich-like meals for lunches, the calories plummeted.