Fell off the wagon

I lost 80 pounds over the last year and a half but over the last several months I have gained back about 15 pounds. Ugh. I need to get re motivated somehow. Have had a death in my family and I have been emotionally eating.


  • nborneman
    nborneman Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry to here of your lose, maybe we can help keep eachother motivated! I'll Add you!
  • Stardawn52
    Stardawn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you
  • goldiejoe
    goldiejoe Posts: 121 Member
    So glad you came back to MFP for help and support! You're in the right place and I know you will make the choices and changes to get yourself back on track :)

    I'm sending you a friend request cause I so need your support. You'd be a great member on this wagon train.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Hey, I'm right there with you.

    Last year, I had lost 35 pounds, I looked great, I felt great. Then I got a call about a year ago this month that my uncle, who I grew up very close with and still am, got into a car accident and was in a coma. Trying to keep a very long story short, he went out with his friend and they both got very drunk. They both decided it would be better for my uncle to drive them home rather than calling a cab. My uncle flipped the car trying to overcorrect. The passenger side window went over a fire hydrant, killing my uncle's friend (who had a wife and three children, btw.) By the time the ambulance got there, my uncle had CSF leaking out of his ears. He was in a coma for a month. His skull was crushed in and so fragmented they took part of it out. He is now brain damaged and serving 11 years in the Florida prison system for DUI manslaughter and assault on a police officer (he spit on a cop while awaiting his sentence, but they gave him a lighter sentence because he wasn't getting the help he needed for his mental state.)

    Because of all of this stress and the other areas it affected on top of schooling, I just gave up. I stupidly decided it would be easier to use food as a comfort through all of it than continue what I was doing and seeing a counselor, since my insurance covers it. I regret the decision to this day. I can relate to you and giving up when times get hard. We can only hope that this time, if God forbid something else happens, we have the willpower to keep going and get the help we truly need rather than going back to old habits. Add me if you'd like. I can always use more support :)