Please help!!! Girl issues



  • rebecca8787
    mandy, great post. thanks for your ideas.

    and every one elses! i didnt give into my sweet cravings today. i did wake up very hungry tho and with a bad stomach, however i still managed 15 mins of zumba.
  • omari2013
    omari2013 Posts: 17
    Hi, I am with you in solidartiy. I too, do not feel like excercising because I just feel crappy and stomach really hurts. I'm sometimes in a foul mood for no apparent reason and generally hate the world on the " first" day. I try to subsitute the sugar cravings with fresh fruit and pretend they are snickers and Reverse psychology for my pea-brain. If that doesn't work, I just give in and try to do extra hard work-outs as soon as I am recovered. Hormones are bigger than us and men don't understand how strong the urges what your body needs and don't feel guilt at all.

    Great post and question for all of us ladies on here.... It's rough.