Finding balance

How do you find time for everything? I work full time,have a son in kindergarten, husband,home, life... How do you manage to fit in time to workout without feeling guilty? I find that I'm either not home at dinner time, and then they eat junk, or I'm not home when my son goes to bed, which we both don't like. Most mornings i have to be at work at around 6:45 so going before work isn't a very thrilling option. Any ideas or suggestions? I know this is what I should be doing I'm just not sure how to make it work. My son has some difficulties in new settings and trouble adapting in social settings so he doesn't like going to the kids club at the gym,it's always a battle. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!


  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member

    It's tough, especially when you work full-time. I usually go to gym in the evening, either just as the kids are going to bed (about 7.30-8pm) or after that (after 8.30pm). Even on the days I work (when my parents pick the kids up from school and give them dinner) it means I see them before bedtime and my husband puts them to bed. I know some people say you shouldn't exercise so late but I don't mind it and I usually sleep like a log afterwards.