The dreaded plateau... PLEASE HELP!

Please Help... I've hit such a plateau! I’ve been on my diet since February 1st and at the start (as expected) my weight was coming off at around 1 t 2 lbs a week. But now my weight hasn't shifted in weeks (even though I've been sticking to the 1200) I'm not sure if maybe its the amount of carbs that have crept back into my diet? Or the fact that I haven’t been exercising as much as I was (but I am still exercising at least 3 times a week)?

My action plan is to start working out more and stay away from too much complex carbs / dairy. However I’ve been reading up on plateaus and a lot of people seem to say that 1200 calories isn’t enough and I need to be eating more to ‘shock’ my system out of starvation mode?

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated as even though my BMI is in the ‘healthy range’ i’ve recently had a check up (due to family history) and I have high cholesterol and a high % of fat which my doctor says I need to shift... If anything I need to be at the lower end of ‘healthy’ instead of the higher!!!

My details are:

Started Diet: February 1st @ 68.8kgs
Current Weight: 62kgs
Goal Weight: 57kgs
Height: 5ft 6”
Age: 30yrs
Sex: Female


  • EmmaJackson130
    EmmaJackson130 Posts: 88 Member
    I was eating 1280 calories in March and I lost maybe 3lb the whole month, including a gain when I had one day off to celebrate a family wedding. I was exercising everyday and I just couldn't understand it.

    Anyway after a really despondent month I decided things had to change so 1st week of April I upped my calories to 1630. I lost 4lb that week. This was all the proof I needed that I wasn't eating enough and I had slowed my metabolism down to almost standstill.

    I'm 37 and 5ft6
    SW 285lbs
    CW 241lbs
    GW 135lbs
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    eat more! change your calories to losing 1/2lb per week.

    if you're in the normal range you dont need a massive deficit for fat loss.
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    eat your exercise calories back and LIFT WEIGHTS !
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I hear you. I have started eating more added weight training and protein shakes and feel great. I haven't weighed myself yet but have dropped a dress size :smile:
    Try something different and see what happens.

    Good luck.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Eating more, switching up your training, or changing what you eat totally helps. I was on a plateau from March 1st until two days ago. For April, my husband and I agreed on no eating out and to eat less processed foods that normal and when I weighed in today for a challenge, I was down almost 6lbs! It is the first time I've truly broken a plateau. In that time I also became more dedicated to my running. I think it was the eating that did the trick though.
  • millybrom
    millybrom Posts: 11
    Thank you all, I have found this REALLY helpful! I will let you know how I get on... fingers crossed my response will be in the success stories section!

    Thanks again, these boards really do help to keep me motivated.
