weight loss stopped


I am after ideas to boost or rethink my weight loss to give it a kick start. I have lost 4 stone in the last 18 months, so I know how to loose weigh.
The last month I have not lost weight, in fact I have put 2lb on. I am having 1280, as recommended through MFP, I am religious about measuring and recording my food intake and any exercise. Any exercise I do get I eat the calories to feed my body. I have had a spine op last month, but I lowered my activity level to sedentary to compensate. I drink plenty of water. I am constipated due to medication. I take lactulose for this but even when I go there is no weight change. I am currently 12 stone 2 1/2. I am 5ft 3in, age 41.
Thank you for any advise.


  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    If you're not doing any exercise that could be too many cals. Take another 100 off and see if things get moving.
  • psicocat
    psicocat Posts: 60 Member
    thank you, I am concerned about going too low though ans putting my body in starvation mode. I am exercising, just not as much as normal, gentle walks each day.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Try it an see.