Fitness Pal Apps

any suggestions on which of the apps are best? i am thinking of going with the fitbit


  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    What kind of exercise do you like to do? I use Endomondo for the walks I do. It takes into account all your vitals and calculates calories burned based on how long you walk for, how fast you walk and whether you walk up or down hill :)
  • dmagoon0214
    dmagoon0214 Posts: 7 Member
    i walk, go to the gym three times a week and do cardio kickboxing twice a week. i will look that up, does it sync to myfitnesspal?
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    It does indeed :) It does a lot of different exercises as well as walking so I'm sure it could help :) I've also heard that FitBit is great too but haven't really looked into it myself x
  • dmagoon0214
    dmagoon0214 Posts: 7 Member
    awesome, thanks, i will try that.
  • ramblinritz
    ramblinritz Posts: 24 Member
    I love my fitbit zip. It is a great tool to help me get my steps in, it integrates with mfp as well as endomondo. I log my food and exercise with MFP and use the fitbit for my daily steps.