Mcdonals Frappe DISASTER

So i went to Mcdonalds to get my BF a Big Mac, nice girl that i am. Was NOT going to get anything for myself because i had just got tons of food at Taco Bell and was already over my calorie limit.

I'm haven't eaten all day and it's like 82 degrees out, so i ordered a medium caramel frappe. It was delicious, but i figured it was probably pretty bad for me. Understatement of the year!! So i'm here to warn y'all - don't try it, it's not worth it! Here's a rundown of it's sob-inducing stats:


  • aesoprok
    aesoprok Posts: 70
    Fat-24 grams
    Carbs-24 grams
    Sat Fat-15 grams
    Chol-70 mg
    :sad: :devil: Beware!
  • medtrans79
    medtrans79 Posts: 46
    WOW! Would have never guessed it was THAT bad!
  • lzimmerman
    lzimmerman Posts: 4
    OMG I love these things. No wonder I love them!!!!!:drinker:
  • vicki9792
    vicki9792 Posts: 31
    Yes! I love those and only recently found out HOW bad they are! I have switched to the iced mocha w/ no whip. its about 130 cals :)
  • crispycream
    Mcdonalds is the anti diet place when i think of it i refuse to order any shakes from there and i try to avoid fast food i try to get my sweets from fruits or i eat once piece of chocolate

    Thanks for the warning though x.x
  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    I take a couple sips from my son's after finding out how many calories and all.:drinker:
  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    Yikes! It's amazing how something LIQUID can have so many (%^*#^^ calories. My favorite beverage of all time........well, besides Diet a skinny white mocha from Starbucks. FAT FREE milk, NO whipped cream............and still, a grande is 350 stupid calories. I used to sometimes drink 2 VENTIs a day, without even thinking about it. Insane, I say..............

    Isn't it amazing how much more aware you/ we all are of what we're putting into our bodies now?
  • kenya84
    kenya84 Posts: 41
    Fat-24 grams
    Carbs-24 grams
    Sat Fat-15 grams
    Chol-70 mg
    :sad: :devil: Beware!

    OMG that is HORRIBLE!! You could have had a Big Mac!!LOL!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    McDonalds is nasty - It's been over a year since I've been in one. I used to go at least 10 times a week .:embarassed:
    I stopped when I figured out that my breakfast was 1500-2000 calories and I was having that M-F.:sad:

    When I want my Chocolate shake, smoothie etc.

    1/2 cup chocolate Soy milk.
    1 banana
    1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I used Dymatize Elite - 0 gms sugar)
    Ice (optional, or frozen banana works as well)

    292 calories
    41 grams carb
    4 grams fat
    28 grams protein
  • aesoprok
    aesoprok Posts: 70
    I never would have even thought about counting calories from drinks before i started working on my fitness. Now i very rarely waste calories on beverages. Today was my once-a-month fast food meal, but it got way out of hand. At least now i know enough to see how bad for you this food truely is, and avoid it!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    This is why I get my coffee black....Saves me $$ and cals, so it's a win-win! :bigsmile:
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    i ONLY make my own at home now, since every place is such high cal. I have an espresso maker (walmart $40 or so), i ground starbucks espresso beans for it (any grocery store) $10 for the whole bag or less!! then i use 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and a little stivea, lots of ice. and i have a 40 calorie latte every morning!! yummy!!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    OMG I did that a few days ago and since then it's been a slippery slope.. I am back at it tomorrow. I've had 4 days off of work and too much time on my hands to over eat. I have the same Medium Frappe, The next day,too light iced Starbucks Vanilla Coffee, Today.. YIKES a DQ Moolatte LARGE.. Coffee flavored crap is my downfall.
  • aesoprok
    aesoprok Posts: 70
    :flowerforyou: That sounds awesome! I love coffee, usually have it at home with low fat hazelnut creamer. Thanks for the new idea!
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    Yikes! It's amazing how something LIQUID can have so many (%^*#^^ calories. My favorite beverage of all time........well, besides Diet a skinny white mocha from Starbucks. FAT FREE milk, NO whipped cream............and still, a grande is 350 stupid calories. I used to sometimes drink 2 VENTIs a day, without even thinking about it. Insane, I say..............

    Isn't it amazing how much more aware you/ we all are of what we're putting into our bodies now?

    Now I just get a venti coffee with skim milk. Not so much to save calories but to save money. The calories are an extra benefit.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wow,,, here's a little comparo for you:

    Sandwich Calories Fat (g) Sodium (mg)
    KFC Original Recipe® Double Down 540 32 1380
    KFC Grilled Double Down 460 23 1430

    That's right Children,,, this McD's cup of bionic coffee has more calories than the dreaded KFC double down. A sandwich where the bread is replaced with fried $&%ing Chicken!!! :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • KarenWantsABikini
    Isnt it amazing how easy it is to just drive through Mc D and grab something quick and easy. Only nowadays that im aware of what i put in my body that i realise how much of a disaster that is. The whole thought of Mc D and KFC etc just grosses me out now..although it smells good, but a sniff in the bag is probably a dozen calories alone !!! LOL
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    If the govt is serious about tackling obesity in this country they should mandate by law that every fast food item display: Cals, Carbs, Fat, and Protein on all ad signs/posters and beside the menu listings right where the prices are!

    Honestly, imagine what an impact that would make to Frappe sales and McDonalds crap. It would force these companies to stop stuffing their foods with cream and sugar!
  • wantmycurvesback
    I've been getting MCDS iced coffees because the one near my job is $1 for a medium. I order it extra milk (the 1% one they use from the kiddie jug) and no sugar. I add 1 Splenda when I get to work, because I have found you cannot trust them with the sugar additions!

    Anything else is a no-no to me.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Yep, sometimes even things you would think would be healthy are anything but. One of my favourite nutrition messages to put into presentations is:

    A boost juice fruit smoothie contains as many calories as a medium big mac meal!

    Scary but true!