How often do you step on the scale?



  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    I don't. I go by measurements instead. I don't have a scale in my apartment, so I only weigh myself when I go back home to my parents' house, which is usually once every 4 months or so.
  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    Congratulations on your baby! My body and losses were totally different after each of my three. Number three, I wore my pre-pg street clothes on discharge day, I had lost all a baby weight from first two, gained 37 pounds, but dropped a ton, fast.

    After my first two, things took time, even with breast feeding. Hormone fluctuations, etc had me all over the place, so I say do not worry about it yet, give it another 2 weeks, right now focus on logging food, getting into that habit.

    When you can start exercising, then maybe once a week, and remember, it took 9 months to gain the weight. It doesn't all fall off immediately. Don't compare yourself to a celeb mom, they have trainers, nannies, etc, lots of help in the battle to lose.
  • katinachaos
    katinachaos Posts: 90 Member
    I only weigh in once a week or so and I do it at my BFs house on Fridays (so I don't get disheartened if I have a few too many beers over the weekend). It's the same scale, so it's consistent, but I only do it on Fridays, so if for some reason I don't get over there that Friday, I wait another week. It keeps me sane. Maybe bring your scale to a friends house or a parent (someone you visit fairly regularly) so you aren't tempted to check it all the time?
  • ril0riley
    ril0riley Posts: 54 Member
    Usually about 2x a day. Its been vital to learning more about my body-- how I usually fluccuate, how salty foods will bloat me, the types of patterns I see before drops, gains, and plateaus.
    Knowledge is power!!
    Very often it means recording a weight "gain" but the overall trend is very much down
    works for me
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I weigh twice daily, morning and night. I have a kidney transplant, so keeping track of water fluctuations is vital for monitoring the health of the kidney in between blood tests.
  • Dorothy888
    Dorothy888 Posts: 11 Member
    I originally lost 20 pounds, but have put 10 back on since Christmas!!!! Granted, I did fall off the wagon with eating and exercising, but one of the major things I stopped doing was getting on the scale every morning. When I was dedicated and had motivation, I would get on every morning, just to keep on track. I knew that my body fluctuated a few pounds, and was ok with that. After Christmas I wouldn't get on because I knew that what I was doing was not good for me.....and here I am 10 pounds later!!! I have started up again today, and will get on the scale every morning! It works for me! Good luck!
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Every morning when I had a scale, now I just measure my waist every morning.
  • deeva2266
    deeva2266 Posts: 65 Member
    Once a week.
  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh in almost very other day. Sometimes twice a day. I have realized that it is unhealthy for me to weigh in every day or multiple times in one day. I now do it before breakfast when I first wake up and try not to do it day after day.
  • diliveslife
    diliveslife Posts: 42 Member
    I try to only track my weight once a week but weigh in at least 4x a week. I don't freak out with small fluctuations but weighing often helps keep my focus on my fitness and health. Its kinda like excersize or food tracking to me. The more often I do it the more on track I stay.
  • SchizophrenicDream
    i know its not very good to, but i weigh myself daily. i find that if i do i am more aware of my progress and if i need to eat better that day because of poor eating the day before and so on. it helps me be honest with myself but id probably have to agree with some of the other people that have posted and say about 1x a week maybe twice because it can really ruin your day if its not the number you hoped for.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I weigh in daily - it has helped me get over a fear of the scale, and has helped me understand what causes weight fluctuation for me. It has also taught me not to sweat the small upticks in the scale; if I've been exercising and eating at a deficit, the gains go away as quickly as they came. Plus, I find it helpful to look back at my weight loss chart on the mobile application and see a) the difference in the slope at different points, and b) how if you look at the big pictures the slow periods all balance out.

    To help me not have a one-track mind, I also take monthly progress pictures, and am measured monthly at the gym. The loss of inches and a difference in my physique in photos means so much more than my weight!
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I refuse to check it if it's not the right time of day and I forget a lot lol. A couple of times a week.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    When I started I weighed myself every two weeks - to month. I tried to focus more on how I felt instead of stressing myself out. Now I find i step on the scale once every few days, but I'm more excited than critical.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    How often do you weigh in?
    I weigh everyday, but I record only my Friday weigh ins

    How do you avoid it?
    I don't. I weigh once a day everyday unless I am not home.

    What other ways do you measure progress to stay motivated?
    Progress pics and measurements.
  • joyfulrunner22
    joyfulrunner22 Posts: 33 Member
    I weigh daily. I find it motivational to be honest, and at times disheartening. A weight fluctuation of a couple pounds for me is normal (especially before my period). However, the daily weigh-ins gives me an idea of where I truly am at, and motivation. If the number does not move (and I am not in maintenance) or goes up, then I revaluate what I am doing. If I only weighed in once a week, I would have nothing to attribute the weight gain or loss to.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    Generally weigh myself once a week and measure once a month.
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    My husband and I both weigh ourselves every morning when we get out of bed. I think it helps keep us motivated and if we see a bad upward trend we can nip it in the bud.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Every morning, it keeps me in check for the day but I've never been scale obsessive and it's never dictated my mood. It's indicator to work harder, eat cleaner, or hey, I'm doing great so it's ok to have a beer after work.
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    I weigh daily to stop being so paranoid about small fluctuations. As long as I'm seeing a GENERAL downward trend after a few weeks or so, I'll be happy. I used to weigh in once a week, but I realised from daily weigh ins that my weight is so fluid - it can be up 3lbs one day, down 5lb the next!? And it doesn't matter what I ate the day before. I had a massive meal on Saturday (indian food, including starters) and next morning, I had lost. The morning after, I had gained - but I was ok with that!